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Alectric, Apoc, Elias
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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He has been doing nothing but agreeing.

EDIT: nvm >_>

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by:
Elias(3)        - Dome, Alec, BP
Divisor(2)        - ES, Dome
ES(2)            - Divisor, Elias
Dome(2)        - ES, Elias
BP(1)            - Apoc
Alec(1)        - BP
Apoc(1)        - BP

acusations this round. so I guess voting should be between Elias, Divisor, Evil Sonidow and Dome
oh, and incase you're to lazy to update now, just post this:
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(03-08-2010, 08:07 AM)Jerkington XIII Wrote:  So, let me sum up my "knowledge"
Simon. mafia
Div? citizen (or godfather).
Elias? citizen (or godfather).
Nave - citizen
blow k0414 - citizen
Mag - vigilante
kay - citizen
@ nave: jerk did already check elias and divisor (thats why he posted the citizen or godfather)
soo I would advise him to check the other guys who are accused (in the next night ofc)
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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As a note, let's be practical: out of 3 mafia, only ONE can be marked as citizen (the godfather). Chances that we find the others are much greater than the godfather, so why bother with him for now? If we eliminate the 2 normal mafias, finding the godfather will become our priority then.
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(03-12-2010, 04:29 PM)Phil Wrote:  
(03-08-2010, 08:07 AM)Jerkington XIII Wrote:  So, let me sum up my "knowledge"
Simon. mafia
Div? citizen (or godfather).
Elias? citizen (or godfather).
Nave - citizen
blow k0414 - citizen
Mag - vigilante
kay - citizen
@ nave: jerk did already check elias and divisor (thats why he posted the citizen or godfather)
soo I would advise him to check the other guys who are accused (in the next night ofc)
I didn't check his post, that was just who I personally think might be mafia
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Ah, I don't accuse any one.
We should wait for the sheriff to do his job of finding mafia.
yeah I know a useless post but yeah.
I am back, not really.
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you know, i think i've never actually been killed in mafia before?
or voted to die?
there was only that time i was doctor, and i walked into a Apocs trap and got killed :P
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Was that an invite for suicide?
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why did I un-accuse Hacker?
I must've thought I was accusing Dome.
Anyway, what do you other guys think of Hacker? Because he has just been staying low and agreeing with others. Furthermore, he has been posting very rarely.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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