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[solved] Changing the weapon summoned by Freeze
Hello people on LF2 - Empire
After playing LF2 over years I decided to learn a bit about lf2-modding, and I have a problem with changing the sword summoned by freeze as said in the threads title. Another questions is how I get which "pic" number I have to use because I dunno how they are counted.

I would be really happy if someone could help me

~ Axarion
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I dunno how you wanna modify it.
But you need to modify the Opoint:

You need to change the Oid:
Freezes Sword oid is 213
Look at the Data.txt down.
You can find it also in your Data folder.
Dont worry if you're data looks slightly different i got some custom chars :P

id:  52  type: 0  file: data\julian.dat
id:  51  type: 0  file: data\firzen.dat
id:  50  type: 0  file: data\louisEX.dat
id:  38  type: 0  file: data\bat.dat
id:  39  type: 0  file: data\justin.dat
id:  37  type: 0  file: data\knight.dat
id:  36  type: 0  file: data\jan.dat
id:  35  type: 0  file: data\monk.dat
id:  34  type: 0  file: data\sorcerer.dat
id:  33  type: 0  file: data\jack.dat
id:  32  type: 0  file: data\mark.dat
id:  31  type: 0  file: data\hunter.dat
id:  30  type: 0  file: data\bandit.dat
id:  1  type: 0  file: data\deep.dat
id:  2  type: 0  file: data\john.dat
id:  4  type: 0  file: data\henry.dat
id:  5  type: 0  file: data\rudolf.dat
id:  6  type: 0  file: data\louis.dat
id:  7  type: 0  file: data\firen.dat
id:  8  type: 0  file: data\freeze.dat
id:  18  type: 0  file: data\dennis.dat
id: 10  type: 0  file: data\woody.dat
id: 11  type: 0  file: data\davis.dat
id: 166 type: 0 file: data\Kenzo.dat
id:  1   type: 0  file: sprite\Ether\Ether.dat
id:  9  type: 0  file: data\slime.dat
id: 616  type: 3  file: data\slime_debris.dat

id: 480  type: 1  file: sprite\Ether\Ether_weapon.dat
id: 481  type: 3  file: sprite\Ether\Ether_weapon2.dat

id: 100  type: 1  file: data\weapon0.dat   #stick
id: 101  type: 1  file: data\weapon2.dat   #hoe
id: 120  type: 1  file: data\weapon4.dat   #knife
id: 121  type: 4  file: data\weapon5.dat   #baseball
id: 122  type: 6  file: data\weapon6.dat   #milk
id: 150  type: 2  file: data\weapon1.dat   #stone
id: 151  type: 2  file: data\weapon3.dat   #wooden_box
id: 123  type: 6  file: data\weapon8.dat   #beer
id: 124  type: 1  file: data\weapon9.dat   #<
id: 217  type: 2  file: data\weapon10.dat  #louis_armour
id: 218  type: 2  file: data\weapon11.dat  #louis_armour
id: 300  type: 5  file: data\criminal.dat  #criminal

id: 200  type: 3  file: data\john_ball.dat
id: 201  type: 1  file: data\henry_arrow1.dat
id: 202  type: 1  file: data\rudolf_weapon.dat
id: 203  type: 3  file: data\deep_ball.dat
id: 204  type: 3  file: data\henry_wind.dat
id: 205  type: 3  file: data\dennis_ball.dat
id: 206  type: 3  file: data\woody_ball.dat
id: 207  type: 3  file: data\davis_ball.dat
id: 208  type: 3  file: data\henry_arrow2.dat
id: 209  type: 3  file: data\freeze_ball.dat
id: 210  type: 3  file: data\firen_ball.dat
id: 211  type: 3  file: data\firen_flame.dat
id: 212  type: 3  file: data\freeze_column.dat
id: 213  type: 1  file: data\weapon7.dat   #ice_sword
id: 214  type: 3  file: data\john_biscuit.dat
id: 215  type: 3  file: data\dennis_chase.dat
id: 216  type: 3  file: data\jack_ball.dat
id: 219  type: 3  file: data\jan_chaseh.dat
id: 220  type: 3  file: data\jan_chase.dat
id: 221  type: 3  file: data\firzen_chasef.dat
id: 222  type: 3  file: data\firzen_chasei.dat
id: 223  type: 3  file: data\firzen_ball.dat
id: 224  type: 3  file: data\bat_ball.dat
id: 225  type: 3  file: data\bat_chase.dat
id: 226  type: 3  file: data\justin_ball.dat
id: 228  type: 3  file: data\julian_ball.dat
id: 229  type: 3  file: data\julian_ball2.dat
id: 295  type: 3 file: data\Kenzo_clon.dat
id: 296  type: 3 file: data\Kenzo_ball.dat
id: 297  type: 3 file: data\kenzo_shield.dat
id: 298  type: 3 file: data\kenzo_needle.dat

id: 998  type: 5  file: data\etc.dat
id: 999  type: 5  file: data\broken_weapon.dat


id: 4    file: bg\sys\hkc\bg.dat
id: 2    file: bg\sys\lf\bg.dat
id: 3    file: bg\sys\sp\bg.dat
id: 5    file: bg\sys\gw\bg.dat
id: 6    file: bg\sys\qi\bg.dat
id: 7    file: bg\sys\ft\bg.dat
id: 8    file: bg\sys\bc\bg.dat
id: 1    file: bg\sys\cuhk\bg.dat
id: 0    file: bg\sys\thv\bg.dat
id: 10    file: bg\template\1\bg.dat
id: 11    file: bg\template\2\bg.dat
id: 12    file: bg\template\3\bg.dat

id: 100~199 drop weapon

And that's how you count the Pictures

Thanks given by: Axarion
[Image: freeze0.png]
[Image: freeze1q.png]
[Image: freeze2.png]
My projects:
=> Comet - LF2 ver.1.9/1.9c skin.
=> CRE - ComboRegenerativeEnemy.

Contact me if the links to my projects become unavailable.
Thanks given by: Alblaka , snorsorbet , TheNave , Axarion
My pictures have....


Your's is also good
would you mind telling us what you want to do with the freeze sword so we can help you more?
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First thx for the fast help.
I want to use a custom item a lightsaber for the template.(dunno link, sry) I changed the the id to the id of the new item, but the item doesnt appear but the animations are changed o.O It works with other weapons, but not with my custom weapon :(

Attached Files
.dat   lightsaber_b.dat (Size: 13.23 KB / Downloads: 67)
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Pls post your Data.txt, the .Dat of your custom weapon, the sprites of your custom weapon and the summoning move of freeze.
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I solved the problem just by changing the id because of the names :P sry for bothering

~ solved
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You mind pressing the solve Button above so it's easier for Mods, Admins, Purple Cats and stuff to see it's solved?
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