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Zack v0.91 out now
(04-29-2010, 01:46 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  is there any way (in dc obviously) to turn character on back (no mean sprite... i mean turn the way that characte moves)
- I think it´s possible, but i think it´s way more easier to make it with sprites?

and repeat attack after clicking attack button?
- In your char´s attacks last frame put your attack´s first frame number in hit_a:
E: Like this:
also is taht possible to make character do another run attack if theres no mana to do it?
- I don´t think it´s possible, like we can see from Louis´ run_attack.
Sorry if my answers are full of sh*t, i haven´t tested these but I think they should work.
I´m very jealous about your spriting skills, what programs do you use to make your sprites?

Spriting does not depend on the program you are using. Seriously D: - Simoneon
- But i still want to know : <
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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(04-29-2010, 01:46 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  is there any way to turn character on back
next: -{frame_number}
Negative next-values turn your character around.

(04-29-2010, 01:46 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  and repeat attack after clicking attack button?
What Whaat said. (epic pun)

(04-29-2010, 01:46 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  also is taht possible to make character do another run attack if theres no mana to do it?
Wait, wut? If you mean a similar property to Louis's run and dash-attack, respectively, yes.
hit_d: {run_attack_frame_number}
combined with an mp-tag will make your character go to that frame in case there are not enough mp to do the respective attack.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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errmmm.... i guess, that'd mess up if the char want to go on rowing frames...
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Sorry if my answers are full of sh*t, i haven´t tested these but I think they should work.
I´m very jealous about your spriting skills, what programs do you use to make your sprites?

Spriting does not depend on the program you are using. Seriously D: - Simoneon
- But i still want to know : <

welll in my opinionthe best is photoshop but i use photofiltre its for free and u have more then one undo D:< my crappy mouse times to times stuck and cant stop to spriting or deleating.... hmmm 50% / 50% half there and half there

(04-29-2010, 04:36 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  
(04-29-2010, 01:46 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  is there any way to turn character on back
next: -{frame_number}
Negative next-values turn your character around.
thx :D

combined with an mp-tag will make your character go to that frame in case there are not enough mp to do the respective attack.
Thats what i mean ^^ run attack would be just another move like ball attack or any other mp draining skill so yeah... alternative attack in case of no mp

its gonna look like this... creepy D: i think thats becouse of animation.... also that tunder is streange (yes his turning in to tunder =_= )
[Image: animation2ub.gif]

dunnow how its look in game cuz i dont have it XD
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gotta love it
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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hope so :P XD btw... wheres the rest old foogies im asking D:< i miss lf2 veterans D: old good times...

lil update:
[Image: animation2i.gif]
i think now its more smoth and nicer to eye but still theres something wrong with it... maby that tunder is to... fat? massive? it looks soo... mechanically :/
but i blame it on animation... i think its about animation D:

i think i know whats wrong D: character disapear so fast
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Awesome, just awesome

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Don't make the character transform into that thunder-thingy entirely. Leave a sprite there in order to not make the thunder more dominant than it already is ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

» Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
Thanks given by: snorsorbet , Memento , shin hanazumi
are my eyes wrong or is he not moving his arm at all?

Whaaaaaaaatever? - Simoneon
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hmmm im not sure about that :/ in that case i must change everything, like body work and legs movement :/ i think tunder is to massive.. its looks more powerfull then it rly is D:
hmmmm how you see it? how it should look like in your opinion?
he dont move legs at all but he move hands and upper body
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