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Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version)
Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version)
I developed a Data-Editor only for STM93. He wasn't fully satisfied with the current DC editing tools, owing to either a lack of certain useful features or certain quirks that made them annoying to use.
The interest and feedback have be good from other people. So nevertheless, I decided to publish the "Easier Data-Editor". Basically, the editor has default functions. He can read and write data files and contains a Frame Viewer.
The first difference: each file has an own Frame Viewer. So it is possible to see two different characters at one screen.

The "Docking Panel" allows a customized view (I have seen that LF2 IDE has the same library). Each file and Frame Viewer has a movable "window" and this layout can be saved.

  • Text Folding
  • Autocomplete
  • Frame Viewer
  • Shows unused/available frame ids
  • recognises a few "errors"
    • already existing frame IDs
    • missing of frame start/end
    • missing of O/C/B/WPoint start/end
  • Frame mirroring (with datas)
  • Frames Reformatting
    • changes the structure of a frame (eg: pic: 1 centerx: 39 centery: 79 hit_a: 50  _ changes to _ hit_a: 50 centerx: 39 centery: 79 pic: 1)
  • Paste & Adapt IDs
    • while pasting of frames, it finds available frame ids, changes them and changes the "next" values
  • Jump to next/previous frame in file or "real" (next-value)
  • 3D Itrs

It is possible to synchronise all Frame Viewer screens (Settings -> Global Settings).

+ = add; * = bug fixed; - = changed
1-3-0-12 (23. March 2020) (Click to View)
1-3-0-1 (01. March 2020) (Click to View)
1-2-0-119 (29. July 2019) (Click to View)
1-2-0-38 (01. June 2019) (Click to View)
1-1-0-3 (1-1-0-2b) (Click to View)
1-1-0-0 (first public version) (Click to View)


Current Version: (23. March 2020)
Source Code on GitHub (That is my first open source project. Please understand that i know nothing about publish on GitHub.)

STM93 (a lot of testing)
AdiDidIt ("Paste & Adapt IDs", "Tag Adder" and "Auto ID Changer" based on his ideas)
RazenBrenday for the LF2 Font
Good work! I am now using it as the data editor for my LF2 Strategy project. I will be sending Feedback and ideas soon.

General ways to advance the project:

It is a good idea to publish the project in GitHub. Also, creating the option for people who know coding to create plugins and add them easily will be useful. I am Highly Recommending borrowing ideas and source code (C#) from the great project LF Studio.
The project, existing plugins and ideas for future plugins
first comment: active download for the program and link to the source code.

also looking at IDE and VDC may be useful for ideas.

My feedback:

Easy, by importance:

Running the game from whithin the program + having it update itself with needing to reload it (see REAL TIME DATA CHANGER:

Enbaling multiline Find And replace

Recognising the error of leaving an unrelated letter somewhere (with that the game crushes, its important)

An Animator Automatic Creator (LFS):

Sprite Viewer+Adding sprite files in one click automatically (LFS)

Adding a Sprite Animation Viewer (LFS):
Adding a sound plugin (LFS):
making the go-to frame default instead of go-to line, it takes time to switch it every time and the line will only seldom be useful.

Add the option to open text files within the program (see LFS)

Takes time, by importance:

A way to represent the Z axis in the visual windows, I saw that you tried to manage to do it.

Adding go-to tag (walking, jumphit in davis...) and making it default over frame and line (LFS):
having the game updated without reloading it, already exists in this editor:

project option like in LFS or Microsoft programming programs:
Hotkeys: creating keyboard shortcuts to all the functions.
Thanks given by:
I have Updated my Feedback above.

Hope you are going to continue working on it! kul-el Ihtiram (all the honor, meaning good job)
Thanks given by:
Where is the "Paste & Adapt IDs: while pasting of frames, it finds available frame ids, changes them and changes the "next" values" function?
Thanks given by:
(10-22-2018, 08:39 AM)Uri Wrote:  Where is the "Paste & Adapt IDs: while pasting of frames, it finds available frame ids, changes them and changes the "next" values" function?

You can see it on the screenshots. Edit > Paste & Adapt IDs.
Btw update is in progress with few changes, but no time...
Thanks given by:
Ok, color me impressed. Once I get back to DCing I will definitely give this tool a try. And since it has the Spyderman seal of approval I'm having that feeling I won't be disappointed by it.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
Thanks given by: Luigi600 , Bamboori
Possibly, I had should mention, that this project a side project. So it is a small editor.
Btw the project is open source now but it doesn't have an interface for plugins (but Easier LF-Editor gets an interface)

Summary of Update
Multiline find & replace added, combobox of frames added, start within program added, go-to automatic selected frame, big bug fixed

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  + having it update itself with needing to reload it (see REAL TIME DATA CHANGER)
Real Time Data Changer is difficult to implement and i don't have interest to "copy and paste" a function without to create ideas about it - perhaps in Easier LF-Editor.

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  Recognising the error of leaving an unrelated letter somewhere (with that the game crushes, its important)
good point, but then i must change the library and that needs a little bit time...

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  An Animator Automatic Creator (LFS) [and] Adding a sound plugin (LFS)
You get this functions in Easier LF-Editor.

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  Sprite Viewer+Adding sprite files in one click automatically (LFS)
No interest in a data editor...

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  A way to represent the Z axis in the visual windows, I saw that you tried to manage to do it.
I not "tried" it, I did it.

(10-12-2018, 01:34 PM)Uri Wrote:  project option like in LFS or Microsoft programming programs:
Easier LF-Editor...
Thanks given by: STM1993 , MangaD
Happy to see the progress, thanks.
I have used this editor for quite a while now and haven't seen any visual representation of the Z axis. I see there is an axis for it in the visual window but not that the itr et cetera appear differently using this axis when I edit. for example, if I add a zwidth to a certain Itr, it appears the same no matter if there is a zwidth tag or what is its value.
Thanks given by: Luigi600
So based on Uri's comment: 3D ITRS! (and a few performance things).

+ 3D Itrs
+ Export to HTML file
* Tag Adder has the same shortcut than "Show current Frame Viewer"
* big lag while resize/move of itrs/bodies (reason: combobox frame thing...)
* frame viewer not working if empty start

Screenshots (Click to View)

//EDIT (2018/11/17): (fixed) global settings are buggy for 3d itrs

Thanks given by: Silverthorn , STM1993 , MangaD
Interim a small update:
+ auto switch
+ synchronization of selected ID
* a little bit performance improvement

Features in action:
[Image: syncid_switcher.gif]
Thanks given by: MangaD , STM1993 , rez93

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