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Little Fighter Userbars
I didn't know in which thread i can post it, so i'd choose this :D

I made some Little Fighter 2 Userbars a few weeks ago and thought i can post them here

Little Fighter 2 Generall Userbars :

[Image: 17247et7.png]

[Image: 17248jd4.png]

[Image: 17249ve3.png]

[Image: 17250oi0.png]

[Image: 17251ib6.png]

[Image: 17252bt6.png]

Little Fighter 2 Char Player Userbars :

[Image: 16317cw7.png]

[Image: 16318zl3.png]

[Image: 16319jj1.png]

[Image: 16320hf5.png]

[Image: 16321er1.png]

[Image: 16322ox0.png]

[Image: 16323hf2.png]

[Image: 16324ap0.png]

[Image: 16325ln3.png]

[Image: 16326jq5.png]

[Image: 15869pq6.png]

Little Fighter Online Char Player Userbars :

[Image: 18083fn9.png]

[Image: 18095oi7.png]

[Image: 18096yp0.png]

[Image: 18087xd0.png]

[Image: 18085qo3.png]

[Image: 18093ad2.png]

[Image: 18088xl6.png]

[Image: 18094vj6.png]

[Image: 18090zb0.png]

[Image: 18084qm5.png]

[Image: 18082rv8.png]

[Image: 18089da1.png]

[Image: 18092sk2.png]

[Image: 18086yr7.png]

[Image: 18091ic2.png]

Little Fighter 2 Char Skill Userbars :

[Image: davis_skill.png]

[Image: woody_skill.png]

[Image: dennis_skill.png]

[Image: freeze_skill.png]

[Image: firen_skill.png]

[Image: louis_skill.png]

[Image: louisex_skill.png]

[Image: henry_skill.png]

[Image: rudolf_skill.png]

[Image: john_skill.png]

[Image: deep_skill.png]

[Image: bat_skill.png]

[Image: firzen_skill.png]

[Image: julian_skill.png]

[Image: lindwurm_skill.png]

[Image: bandit_skill.png]

[Image: hunter_skill.png]

[Image: jack_skill.png]

[Image: mark_skill.png]

[Image: sorcerer_skill.png]

[Image: monk_skill.png]

[Image: knight_skill.png]

[Image: jan_skill.png]

[Image: justin_skill.png]

[Image: allmighty%20hunter.png]

Feel free to use them in your signature but don't claim it as your own.
If you want to have a special userbar with your char,background or what ever post it in here
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They look nice, but you could try to smoothen the edges of the last ones a bit.

If you have a advanced editing program,just copy the layer of the facepic, fill it black and add just a little bit of gaussian blur to it and then just make this layer the previous one of the actualy face pic.
IF you have photoshop...
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Yea freeze player :D
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this is my own user bar :D
[Image: 18079xa7.png]
that is looked cool or bad ?
Click This For My Signature (Click to View)
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@ XxXxX I saw your UB at lol, i placed there a comment (i am moderator)
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about your userbar, XxXxX, the Julian-mask in the middle looks a bit pixelated, try to blur the pixels on and around his eyes a little.

hmmmm, about the other userbars... they all look like quality work. Sometimes there are some odd-looking pixels hidden in people's hair. Try to fix that, so that these userbars cna become high-quality work ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Good work! I agree with Blue Pheonix :8

@ the new userbars...
why does John have glasses? and why does Bat have a red belt in front off his eyes? and have Firen coloured his hair? it's from LFO, right? I have never played that so I don't know... :confused:
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Hm, the LFO ones look cool, but I still prefer the easy, normal LF-Bars :p
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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Thanx guys!

@ snorsorbet Yes at the first time i saw the LFO Chars i thought the same :D
On my Homepage you can see all LFO Faces
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hmm just a question... may I use one of those userbars? they look really good and I will credit you of c :p
gonna use the little fighter player bar if I'm allowed :8
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