01-15-2009, 07:23 AM
i already have quite a few ideas for some chars, but i would like to hear your opinions and ideas.
Each char should have a hell move, they are fun to find out, and use.
so here are some of my ideas:
Deep: sword smasher, if you've played super smash bros brawl on a wii, and have seen ike's greater aether, thats what i am thinking of making it look exactly like (just as awesome)
if not, here: he throws enemy into air and smashes them to pieces with his sword for a while
john: demonic metamorphasis, john rips his crystal necklace off, and it glows. john grows into a massive blue demony thing with an enlarged crystal in his chest. the demon lasts untill you runn out of mana, he has 3 attacks. demon roar, sends enemies stunned to the otherside of the level, demon laser, fires a red beam from the crystal in his chest, and a normal attack where he slashes any near by enemy and knocks em' down
henry: i havent thought of one yet, maybe he shoots heaps of exploding arrows around the map.
rudolf: *unoriginal thought* the enemy gets held in possition, while tonnes of rudolf illusions slice through him from every direction for a short while.
louis: hmmmm....
firen: you'd think it would be easy for me to think one for firen, but i am trying to go for orginality, instead of fire explosions everywhere. maybe he sets the entire ground on fire with his little ground flames
freeze: un-escapable, like freeze's D > J move, except when he does it, he makes it spread up all the sides (of 1 direstion, to avoid overpowering too much) so he freezes all enemies on one side of the map. icicles everywhere.
dennis: cyclone disaster or ultimate vortex, he does his spin kick move, but heaps of wind is everywhere blowing everyone about, then he sucks all the people into his main cyclone, and shoots them extremely high up, doing a substantshal amount of damage.
woody: i've only come up with one idea, and i dont really like it. woody does his tiger dash across the whole map, and clones 2 ways (on z axis) and if he misses, he will create heaps of teleporting clones everywhere to sweep through everyone.
davis: kind of like marshalls CE-LF2 move for davis. daivs throws his head back and yells, (a bit like louis's phoenix palm) sending all enemies flying to the furthes point of the map doing lots of damage.
some extras:
justin-transforms into a werewolf or something and is hard to kill, and does heaps of damage, good for an enemy...
julian- transforms into a massive demon thing like john, but more powerful, in some way...maybe
firzen-shoots icicles everywhere, then quick becomes fire bursts, so burnt and frozen in one move.
look forward to your ideas
Each char should have a hell move, they are fun to find out, and use.
so here are some of my ideas:
Deep: sword smasher, if you've played super smash bros brawl on a wii, and have seen ike's greater aether, thats what i am thinking of making it look exactly like (just as awesome)
if not, here: he throws enemy into air and smashes them to pieces with his sword for a while
john: demonic metamorphasis, john rips his crystal necklace off, and it glows. john grows into a massive blue demony thing with an enlarged crystal in his chest. the demon lasts untill you runn out of mana, he has 3 attacks. demon roar, sends enemies stunned to the otherside of the level, demon laser, fires a red beam from the crystal in his chest, and a normal attack where he slashes any near by enemy and knocks em' down
henry: i havent thought of one yet, maybe he shoots heaps of exploding arrows around the map.
rudolf: *unoriginal thought* the enemy gets held in possition, while tonnes of rudolf illusions slice through him from every direction for a short while.
louis: hmmmm....
firen: you'd think it would be easy for me to think one for firen, but i am trying to go for orginality, instead of fire explosions everywhere. maybe he sets the entire ground on fire with his little ground flames
freeze: un-escapable, like freeze's D > J move, except when he does it, he makes it spread up all the sides (of 1 direstion, to avoid overpowering too much) so he freezes all enemies on one side of the map. icicles everywhere.
dennis: cyclone disaster or ultimate vortex, he does his spin kick move, but heaps of wind is everywhere blowing everyone about, then he sucks all the people into his main cyclone, and shoots them extremely high up, doing a substantshal amount of damage.
woody: i've only come up with one idea, and i dont really like it. woody does his tiger dash across the whole map, and clones 2 ways (on z axis) and if he misses, he will create heaps of teleporting clones everywhere to sweep through everyone.
davis: kind of like marshalls CE-LF2 move for davis. daivs throws his head back and yells, (a bit like louis's phoenix palm) sending all enemies flying to the furthes point of the map doing lots of damage.
some extras:
justin-transforms into a werewolf or something and is hard to kill, and does heaps of damage, good for an enemy...
julian- transforms into a massive demon thing like john, but more powerful, in some way...maybe
firzen-shoots icicles everywhere, then quick becomes fire bursts, so burnt and frozen in one move.
look forward to your ideas