Oh boy...
Great job! I'm not a big fan of the squared lightning, but it works out ok
Not much to complain about here.
Basic DCing. No obvious centerx/centery misplacement (lulz Angel_Adam) and bug-proof. I'm not impressed, but it's solid.
EXCEPT for the Whirlwind of Charge;
The two balls move at different speeds (the ball that sets the enemies on fire and the ball containing the whirlwind sprite and 'lift' itr), which is probably the most annoying thing I've seen in ages.
Wanna know why?
'Cause it's such a simple error!
Fix the
~Moves lack originality;
-Slightly altered Biscuit.
-Charged Insanity features the sprite of a beam I've seen over a million times now.
-Whirlwind of Charge = Freeze's Whirlwind with altered values.
Basic. Contains simple errors, but it's solid. Probably mainly due to most of the frame elements being Firzen's original data xD
The sprites used in moves need smoother transitions though - a character ducking and standing up at the speed of light doesn't look good.
Maybe I was expecting too much, but I'm fairly pleased with the end result.
PS: I really don't want to offend you

I'm always honest whenever I give my opinion on something and I'm giving you feedback to try and help you ;s
I know I'm probably too direct/harsh, but that's the risk you take when you upload your character to a forum for other people to review it ;P
I'm a little scared of posting feedback on things since Angel_Adam's reaction :/
tl;dr: Good job. It's good to see some new stuff in here

And DFEX is fun to play with ;P