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[char] Devid
(03-20-2010, 12:03 PM)forgetlatios Wrote:  
(03-20-2010, 11:52 AM)Eddie Wrote:  doesn't Jan have a chasing heal thing?

no, that's a ratio attack(sob), copying the data would result in summoning doves(LOL! doves from bats xD)

Well, actually, this is the method how the ratio-attack works. You spawn Jan's ratio-objects (aka. Flying Devils or Healing Angels), make them react to a special bdy of your character to bring them to a certain frame where they themselves opoint the actual attack. Haven't thought about the kill-part (as in: kill all healing angels but one), but it should be possible. Thus, making friendly-chasing objects is possible.
Reminds me of Sinow's pet method. Did he ever release it?

Edit: yayz, double-ninja'd :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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it's possible?!?!?! how? someone give me an example of how to do it- tried but failed... xD anyway, maybe i'll leave it as it is(or stage mode= too easy)
transformation didn't work... asked Alblaka, cause he was the 1st person to help me, but kinda didn't work... maybe cause he's 'experienced' and not a pro?
btw when i say 'experienced', don't mean he's not experienced, but that's what he calls himself
offtopic: yay! i have 6 rep
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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The thread that have the pet method is located here
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(03-20-2010, 01:45 PM)no one Wrote:  The thread that have the pet method is located here

thx! will working on it tomorrow(+8 GMT), really tired now
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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(03-20-2010, 12:34 PM)YinYin Wrote:  
(03-20-2010, 11:48 AM)forgetlatios Wrote:  uhh... no the heal bat DOESN'T follow you, no such thing as a friendly chasing t3(yet!)
actually it is possible to turn the angels into what you need without disturbing jans move i think

sinow once made a dog like that
and siegvar used it for a bat cloud on varniziel
both not released as far as i know but they were promising and working well on most parts
Did not know about the Varinziel bit
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I used it already, too, on a black magican who summons some evUl dark purplelike dove, like jan does... but yeah, it's puruble purple, and it follows yourselfe only, pet-methode likely

it's not difficult atall, just "fly" into the air with a big negative dvy in one frame, stay there, normal summon the angles how jan does them, then on the second flying frames of those angles make them remove themselfes via a special bdy on your char and ik8, then all angles have been removed except one, the one that reacted with your char at the very same moment it was spwaned, that angle went to these sparkle-star-effect-frames, there you add a ik8 again which reacts with your char and goes in some looping frames with a bat picture which also got that hit_fa of jan's angles... bring your char down on earth with a big dvy again, adjust the centery of your bat frames to make them shown on your level and not somewhere in the air, and figure out which dvy you have to use in those bat frames to not make them flying down tha whole time, dvy 550 doesn't work on those frames

I'm really to lazy to explain it any better now, that's just the rough idea how it works, figure out the details by yourselfe
oh and just so you know, I also got into the ntsd team with that technique, it was the very first thing I made for ntsd... check out this 2 years old vid of me
uses pet methode, I was kinda lame and noobish back then, but yeah, that's how it could turn out if you do it right
Thanks given by: JossuaDC
TheNave, thx but I need to know what does:
Follow all allies
Removes all extra angels/bats
and maybe a method so that the data isn't so messy

>Punch Move<
Advert, blurred with zoom blur, should i unblur it?
[Image: HealBat_Logo_Thing.jpg]

ok, realised that it's really hard to use the pet method for summoning the heal bat after the normal bat hits the enemy(summon a self clone at y: -sth and summon then so on....)
Decision: rename the char and rid the heal bats, add some new attacks and finish it
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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[Image: BatEX_ad.jpg]
[Image: BatEX_ad.jpg]
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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I know it's on purpose... but seriously. Sharpen it more, especially the name 'BatEx'

Aaaaaaaaand, you may add some transparent filters, too ;)
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Furthermore, BatEX is a name which has been taken several times already.

Why don't you think of a name unrelated to bat? :>

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by: Alectric

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