*) LF2 v2.0a
*) decrypt data\weapon0.txt, data\weapon1.txt & data\weapon6.txt
you can use a builtin decryptor:
o) enable debug mode ("abc" cheat code)
o) press F3
o) select decrp
o) input file name to decrypt
o) game decrypts file into temporary.txt - make copy / change name
*) put file name to edit in <file_editing> in data.txt
*) patch LF2.exe
0041441C should be "mov ecx, ebx" instead of "lea ecx, [esp + 1C]"
you can use this Cheat Engine table:
*) in LF2:
*) enable debug mode ("abc" cheat code)
*) press F2
PgDown / PgUp - next/previous frame
M - cycle itr <=> bdy mode
N - cycle center => cpoint => wpoint => opoint => bpoint mode
A - cycle light weapon => heavy weapon => milk
S - save (does not encrypt, probably you want edit .txt file if you want to save)
+ - increase wait
- - decrease wait
Enter - play animation from current frame
In center mode:
arrows - change center location
In CPoint mode:
C - change cpoint kind
arrows - change cpoint location
[] - change cought object frame number
In WPoint mode:
W - change wpoint kind
arrows - change wpoint location
[] - change weapon frame number
In OPoint mode:
arrows - change opoint location
In BPoint mode:
B - enable/disable bpoint
arrows - change bpoint location
In Body mode:
Insert - add body
Delete - remove body
K - cycle body kind
mouse - select body rect
In Itr mode:
Insert - add itr
Delete - remove itr
K - cycle itr kind
mouse - select itr rect
The editor looks like it was dropped in an early stage of development - it now requires binary patching and supports only itr kinds up to 6.
*) LF2 v2.0a
*) decrypt data\weapon0.txt, data\weapon1.txt & data\weapon6.txt
you can use a builtin decryptor:
o) enable debug mode ("abc" cheat code)
o) press F3
o) select decrp
o) input file name to decrypt
o) game decrypts file into temporary.txt - make copy / change name
*) put file name to edit in <file_editing> in data.txt
*) patch LF2.exe
0041441C should be "mov ecx, ebx" instead of "lea ecx, [esp + 1C]"
you can use this Cheat Engine table:
*) in LF2:
*) enable debug mode ("abc" cheat code)
*) press F2
PgDown / PgUp - next/previous frame
M - cycle itr <=> bdy mode
N - cycle center => cpoint => wpoint => opoint => bpoint mode
A - cycle light weapon => heavy weapon => milk
S - save (does not encrypt, probably you want edit .txt file if you want to save)
+ - increase wait
- - decrease wait
Enter - play animation from current frame
In center mode:
arrows - change center location
In CPoint mode:
C - change cpoint kind
arrows - change cpoint location
[] - change cought object frame number
In WPoint mode:
W - change wpoint kind
arrows - change wpoint location
[] - change weapon frame number
In OPoint mode:
arrows - change opoint location
In BPoint mode:
B - enable/disable bpoint
arrows - change bpoint location
In Body mode:
Insert - add body
Delete - remove body
K - cycle body kind
mouse - select body rect
In Itr mode:
Insert - add itr
Delete - remove itr
K - cycle itr kind
mouse - select itr rect
The editor looks like it was dropped in an early stage of development - it now requires binary patching and supports only itr kinds up to 6.