Ye, gravedigging, but i just want to make it better...
Actually didn't realize this kind of trick already invented '-'
But, the way to immediately using
weaponact: that lead to the frame you're wanted it to go to was a bad idea bcs
type:0 has a chance to be spawned late by 1tu when it being spawned from
opoint:. Means sometimes, this trick won't work.
It should be looks like this. (the type:3's code)
<frame> 0 x
pic: 99 state: 3005 wait: 0 next: 1 centerx: 0 centery: 0
<frame> 1 x
pic: 99 state: 3005 wait: 0 next: 2 centerx: 0 centery: 0
opoint: kind: 2 action: 1299 oid: % opoint_end: #% was depends on which type: 0 that you are using. Also, remember it’s opoint: kind: 2
wpoint: kind: 1 x: 0 y: -1 weaponact: 1299 cover: 1 wpoint_end:
<frame> 2 x
pic: 99 state: 3005 wait: 0 next: 1000 centerx: 0 centery: 0
wpoint: kind: 1 x: 0 y: -1 weaponact: $ cover: 1 wpoint_end: #$ is the specific frame of type: 0 that you want it to go to
Well the way i provide from that Code are more to make an invisible type:0 at specific frame.. but yes it's also works to just make an invisible type:0 for ik8 purpose by changing the next:1000.
Tbh i forgot there's 3 pages in this Thread, and found out the way better to just make an invisible "Com"..
But it's just a "Com" not an "invisible Com that may do type3's stuff"..
Important! Dispite the goodness of this trick, there's a big flaw that you'll need to care on..
When there's multiple type:0 that being Opoint-ed with kind:2 at EXACTLY same position, the Higher/Lower (i tho the higher) ObjNum will somehow magically get transferred/bugged to the lower ObjNum's wpoint (i guess) which causing that object to bugged on it's Frame 0 weirdly.
Well, the way to fix it are quite simple, just give the frame0 of type0 a next:1000...
Or, you can use st8xxx that transform into type:0 to fix the problem (i guess it'll works, yet tried by myself bcs it's way slower)
Tho actually this could be a way to make a multiple same obj at exactly same position to become one Obj instead of multiple Objs.