(06-13-2013, 11:10 AM)YinYin Wrote: (06-13-2013, 10:11 AM)empirefantasy Wrote: what is that genius in chinese part?
The same as here: members - a community doesn't exist without them and every feature is useless when nobody is there to use it.
There are many more and only few people here can compare to them.
Just wanna echo that sentiment. The chinese community has some crazy geniuses that few of us can even begin to compare with them.
That being said, as I've lost interest in the the DCing side of things, many of those geniuses don't matter that much to me anymore. As far as spriting goes, LFE is doing pretty well and maybe even outperforming the chinese community. For that reason alone LFE was the last forum I stayed somewhat active in.
However, both sides at present still lack one crucial thing that the LF2 community really needs: Content.
Content creation at this point in time is at an all time freaking low in both quantity and quality. Sure, the chinese community still has a decent output of mods, characters, misc items, but all of them have too much of an emphasis on DC content to me. Its unbalanced, and after awhile I don't want anything too complicated. Additionally, after the 879th variant of Davis in the 384th variant of a DC-centric mod, it just all seems the same and I don't care anymore.
LFE stands a better chance of producing unique, original, and entertaining content simply due to the sheer number of decent spriters around. Yet, think of when you last saw a SINGLE DECENT UNIQUE CHARACTER being released. Its depressing.
The greatest enjoyment I gained from participating in the community in the past is knowing that every week, there's something new out there, something crazy, something flashy, something awesome to download and play. Its like getting a new game every week. For free. And then I saw how best I could contribute back to the community who gave me such awesome content, simply by producing my own content and giving back. That was a time of constant surprise and sheer glee. Nowadays I can just disappear for months at a time without checking in, and each time I check in out of curiosity there's maybe one interesting thing that keeps my attention for 5 minutes, then there's nothing for months at a time again.
For the last year that I was active, I kept encouraging aspiring spriters with some skill to make full characters, and release them. On one hand it was sincere advice that would help them improve, and on the other hand I was hoping that it would inspire others to do the same, and really bring back that ecosystem of constant wonder... But you know, life gets in the way, keeps ppl busy, and LF2 slowly dies away in our lives.
Wasn't there another chinese lf2 community that has slightly better activity and less dilution with crap discussions? LF2cn or something... I know I had an account there but I have not logged in in forever. Not sure if its still alive or not.