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The update of updates
During the past few years, the forums have gotten a little rusty. In fact, the last major update was 4 years ago and since then, quite a few things changed.

In the next few days, I'll undertake the mission to upgrade the forums to a new version. What will this mean?
  • I'll lock the forums and then backup the database --> no posting possible
  • Upgrade of the forum software --> possibly weird page display which does not necessarily make sense
  • Bringing back the major features of the forums which are not included in the default system (usermap, chat, HoF, MotM, Awarded List, and possibly a few other thingummies I forgot)
  • Fixing major bugs
  • Opening the forums again --> from then on, you can proceed as-is
  • Fixing smaller bugs, i.e. bad images
  • Working on a theme á la "LFE v2". The other themes (blue, black, red, green) have reached their end of life and will not be developed further. Once theming is completed, it'll be made the default one again (those that don't want a dark theme and prefer the light MyBB theme will have to manually switch back).

If you wish to communicate with others, I advise you to do so via IRC under the following link:
I'll hang out there as well, so if there are any questions, feel free to ask them!

Until then, expect some downtime :p

Current todo-list:
  • Add links to: motm, hof, usermap, stream, awarded, java-chat is deprecated and will be fully replaced by the one on lf2stream
  • Dark theme
  • Awarded list avatars
  • HoF styling
  • Modnotice
  • [spoiler], [motm], [award], [img]
  • exclude forum games from general searches (getnew, getdaily, ...)
  • show [code=lang] in editor
  • "//phoenix edit"s --> plugin - WTF I ACTUALLY MADE IT THROUGH THIS LIST
    • custom page locations (unless they have an associated plugin)
    • GMT-display (will toggle between current and gmt @ bottom right)
    • calendar bg images --> necessary? nope :p
    • Display a warning that the user must activate his account within 3 days.
    • Different style for motm
    • Display "Offline since {Date} ({Time})" instead of just "Offline" when you hover over the offline-icon
    • legitimation of bot-ban & unactivated accounts removal
    • userpruning for bots & unactivated
    • add country in memberlist
    • search thanks
    • poll countdown
    • the havoc that takes place on the stats-page
  • "Who was online today?"
  • "View New Posts (x)"
  • Left/right scroll @ worldmap
  • geocoords in user cp
  • The highly elusive } in postbits
  • Different editor? --> off the list for now. The default works well enough, imho
  • Port Overview from 1.6 to 1.8
  • fix "Unknown Location" in who's online
  • advanced editor in quick reply
  • give links in posts their own class (unnecessary, css will do the deal just fine)
  • registration-questions
  • spoiler class
  • gravedig-warning
  • The highly elusive linebreak-characters that get added in nested quotes
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Ooooooookay, so this is slowly coming together. The basic structure is in place and, as you can see, we have a fancy new editor. Have fun tinkering with it! The greatest things are (in my opinion) the WYSIWYG-functionality and the autosave-feature which caches the post every 25 seconds. There are a couple more but I'll let you guys figure that out :D

There are a couple more things planned, but for now, I'll leave it as-is (mostly because I'm too tired and aggravated at staring at broken things :p). Also, the extra-pages (ie. Stream, MotM, ...) are are already in-place; I just haven't gotten around adding the links yet. However, because things are fairly stable, I'll open things up again. If you come across a bug or something else which shouldn't be there (or should be there), please post it! I'll make a todo-list in post #1 that I'll iterate.

Oh, something else that might be of your interest: the "change username"-option is back! You will be able to change your name once every 6 months. The only thing that might be a limiting factor here will be me as all changes have to be approved by thy admin aka. me. However, unless you decide to rename yourself to something incredibly stupid, I'll approve it :p

All for now, I'll go grab a beer.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by:
wow, reminds me of proboards
Thanks given by:
tags don't work when i went on my profile, like [spoiler], [awards], [motm], [img]...etc
but that's probably already on your to-do list
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Few things I noticed:
  1. Threads in the Forum Games section show up in View Today's Posts.
  2. [code=ai][/code] (and others) don't show up in the WYSIWYG editor.
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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One thing I miss is the "new posts" thingy on the main forum page. Before, you could just load and you immediately saw if there was anything new. Other than that, looks all fine to me. Would love to have the dark theme back though, or the same theme as before but in white. It's just that everything is so incredibily basic now! (which is good in it's own way as well, but I prefer the old design) Wrote:One thing I miss is the "new posts" thingy on the main forum page. Before, you could just load and you immediately saw if there was anything new. Other than that, looks all fine to me. Would love to have the dark theme back though, or the same theme as before but in white. It's just that everything is so incredibily basic now! (which is good in it's own way as well, but I prefer the old design)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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(09-20-2014, 07:24 PM)Neocrypt Wrote:  One thing I miss is the "new posts" thingy on the main forum page. Before, you could just load and you immediately saw if there was anything new. Other than that, looks all fine to me. Would love to have the dark theme back though, or the same theme as before but in white. It's just that everything is so incredibily basic now! (which is good in it's own way as well, but I prefer the old design)

 Are you referring to the overview (the box that updated itself displaying the latest 5 posts & threads) or the number behind "View New Posts"? Either way, both are now on my list :p
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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(09-20-2014, 07:30 PM)Phoenix Wrote:   
I was referring to the overview :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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(09-20-2014, 05:31 PM)LutiChris Wrote:  tags don't work when i went on my profile, like [spoiler], [awards], [motm], [img]...etc
but that's probably already on your to-do list

Wasn't but now it is :p
One thing to note, you can set in your User CP if you want to see [img]s or not. For now, I just overruled the default settings with "everybody wants to view [img] and videos". If you don't like this / have extremely limited internet, you can switch it back ;)

Kind of different topic, it seems like the editor behaves quite wonky from time to time. Is anybody else having issues with it so far?
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

» Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
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ARGH! Too bright! Some very cool stuff though XD. One thing I am missing is the red-line spell check. I am aware of the spell check option we have in the reply box, but that's somewhat slow and annoying to use.<br />
Keep it up!
Quote:Kind of different topic, it seems like the editor behaves quite wonky from time to time. Is anybody else having issues with it so far?

Edit: My browser crashed :\. Luckily, the new autosave feature saved my post. Wait.. No it didn't.
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

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