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Apoc's Sprites
Not really 'back'... but I had some time free time and felt like spriting something for a change.

Thanks for the feedback, I didn't see the neck's flaw before, now I think I fixed it :p
Thanks given by: LutiChris
Can you please go back to that idea where we had to guess the user you were representing?
i personally think it would be intriguing on how you would perceive each one of us in the forum.
would be Awwwwweeeesssoooommmeee[/high-pitched voice]
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Did u made sprite in this size?..mean without resizing??

:awesome: flame is AMAZING and those symbols too.
Thanks given by: Apocalipsis
As far i know he is the one and only who makes sprites in this tiny size.
Omgomgomgomg, Apoc... Its annoying how you make amazing sprites, iam jelly, sorry.
Actualy your sprite is epic.
Luti already mentioned all things i like.
Its like you make 2 pixels from a one.
I mean 2 smaller than 1 small.
Iam glad you are kind a back:D
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Apocalipsis
[Image: Wu6eLjq.png]
Thanks given by: Draya Vartaila , LutiChris
Feels like the face and hair could use a little more shading for shadows, looks great otherwise!
I take it that you've gotten rusty after not having posted in this thread for 2 years? =P
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: Apocalipsis
Got similar feedback regarding the face shading in 13th Zone.

[Image: DbMnJuN.png]

And yeah, I'm rusty... but it's not as bad as I expected xD

I'm accepting suggestions design-wise, I may try to do some quick animations to practice.
Was supposed to be a water-themed character (to replace my old 'Dave'), but at some point I started tweaking things and ended up having yet another ice-themed character.
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Glad to see you back. Although I was hoping for something greater. The shading, (like saturation part) looks awkward. Weathered like. Could be my screen, but I can't see shading (the colors are too similiar) over the face.
And sorry to say, but this quality is no longer a sensation here :D. You need to try harded. Designs were always your great advantages. Try to create something mind blowing.

//down ot
well, I didn't put enough effort in the bottom part of sprite, just cause of lazyness, I wasn't really hoping to get further with that attitude ;d
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Funny, I always thought that detail was my unique advantage, since my designs are kind of repetitive xD

But yeah, I know it's not of the usual quality... I'm rusty, like I said. It's just a warm up.
Still, I came back to make some characters and BGs that I can play with, so single sprites will be secondary now.

Weird thing that you didn't get to the 2nd round in the 13th Zone Contest, your sprite was slighty better than The Hari's, imho.
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Although the sprite is nice Apoc, there's something about it that has me screaming at the screen: 'WHERE THE DAMNED HELL IS APOC?'. And because Siegvar asked me to do my commenting in points, you became my guinea pig when I saw you posted:
- Firstly, as everyone has said, the shading on the face isn't up to the Apoc parr that used to be, it's not too obvious.
- The hair and the shirt style of shading looks very different imho, the hair looks a lot more 2d and doesn't have the detail I'd expect from you.
- The shading on the shirt is the BEST part of this sprite if I am honest. The perfect usage of shading there produced a 3d effect of a rather more hourglass shaped lady and captured bust without making her look like she could float when she falls into a pool. This part of the sprite imho is exquisite.

As for the detail/design as an advantage, I'm going to agree with Gad, your designs are what really sets you aside and gives you the ability to add details to complete that design. It's not a one or the other but more a case of one leading to the other.

I did particularly love Gad's sprite, but to me the body was what stopped it from working for me. And that was the tide turner in Hari's favour. If I could have looked past that, Gad would have won. It was an extremely hard choice, but now I know Gad can produce non-humanoid creations and so it's bully-mode engage. If that eye could become an AI for Julian stages of LF2, I think I would melt in ecstasy.

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
Thanks given by: Apocalipsis

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