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LF2 fan theories
lets try one also ^-^

hunter is actually Hennry
they share the first letter H
they have the same bow and arrows
same hair style and hair color

the thing is hunter is the clone version
after he had too much time with bandit the bandit influenced him
so he changed his clothes to be cool as bandit :P
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Deep
But wouldn't the clone have the same skillset as henry?
Thanks given by: Gespenst , Deep
Has anyone thought that Julian is bat?
Julian's >>A is similar to Bat's D>J punch.

[Image: bbQZSOw.jpg]

and see their defence too, they looks a bit similar.

[Image: 4IW3s6r.jpg]

and some of their are almost same too like -

[Image: iUir4FS.jpg]
" LF2 Against The Evils", my first LF2 video series.
Check my channel :D :-

Litte Fighter Videos  <-- This is a link! Click This!
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Electric Shock Wrote:But wouldn't the clone have the same skillset as henry?
I see you don't fully understand yet. It's good to carefully study LutiChris' universal theory:
LutiChris Wrote:And the #1 answer to everything in this universe is.... you guessed it. CLONES!
Thanks given by: LutiChris , the mad maskman
So the answer to a question about clones is
lutichris Wrote:CLONES

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(03-13-2015, 11:54 PM)Ariel Wrote:  lets try one also ^-^

hunter is actually Hennry
they share the first letter H
they have the same bow and arrows
same hair style and hair color

the thing is hunter is the clone version
after he had too much time with bandit the bandit influenced him
so he changed his clothes to be cool as bandit :P

Lol. Best theory here. :D

One more theory :_
Davis, Dennis and Woody have the same sprites, I don't need to explain much here, just see the first sprites, you'll get it all.

Davis, Dennis and Woody are brothers. :D
" LF2 Against The Evils", my first LF2 video series.
Check my channel :D :-

Litte Fighter Videos  <-- This is a link! Click This!
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(03-13-2015, 01:43 PM)prince_freeza Wrote:  I thought we could discuss some theories and other aspects of LF2 in here.
i have had this one theory about jack & justin for as long as i can remember, i think we even discussed it once on the IRC chat but nothing with much details, so it would be interesting to hear your thoughts and opinions about it and maybe even share some theories of your own.

Jack is Justin ~ Pf (Click to View)
Firzen is Julian ~ mono (Click to View)
Crimson stone in john amulet, louis armor ~ YinYin (Click to View)
Little fighters have a master ~ STM1993 (Click to View)
Julian is Davis ~ T@I (Click to View)
the link between John and Jan ~ Lutichris (Click to View)

ideas and thoughts are welcome of course, and in case anyone has a theory of their own please do share ;)

how can there be two julians

on as firzen and the other as davis

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(03-14-2015, 10:30 AM)Deep Wrote:  Davis, Dennis and Woody have the same sprites, I don't need to explain much here, just see the first sprites, you'll get it all.

Davis, Dennis and Woody are brothers. :D

Seems legit. Yeah I remember surmising at the beginning of my LF2-life that Davis and Dennis were brothers myself.
Thanks given by: Deep
^^ Yup! Just take a look at the sprites especially the last ones.

[Image: CoNePxC.jpg]

[Image: tN1AmOg.jpg]

Two more :

[Image: xAswgos.jpg]

[Image: 88yaR6n.jpg]

Well, All sprites are almost same, but where Davis has a punch, Dennis has a kick there, Dennis don't know how to punch.

Maybe, Woody is the third brother too..

And I think that Louis and Henry has some connection because of their wind throws. :D
" LF2 Against The Evils", my first LF2 video series.
Check my channel :D :-

Litte Fighter Videos  <-- This is a link! Click This!
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I have another theory regarding Julian (and Dennis) which would also tie up several other theories, but it requires looking at Marti's older games.

Meet Jason. He is the final boss of Fight (1994).
[Image: fight.gif]
His moveset in Fight 1994 includes:
1) v > A = Big Green Ball that destroys all smaller projectiles
2) v < A = Grounded uppercut with green energy
3) Has an attack where he swaps bodies with his opponent
Before you say that its Louis, the game has the following characters:
* Davis, Woody, Louis, Henry(wearing green), Mark, Bat(wearing dark green & orange), Jack, Jason.
(you can see a very faithful remake of Jason & Bat in their Fight forms in YinYin's LF 1/2.)

Sound familiar? His dressing style, big green ball being just like Julian's D>J, idea of using a charged punch like >>A match perfectly. I will get back to this later. But for now, notice that Dennis has a similar head and hadouken, but has blue energy and uses more kicks instead. Jason is Dennis' brother.

[Image: lgjhz3I.png]
Julian appears as a secret character, but notably he has blue hair, without a mask and doesn't use Soul Bomb. When he is KO'd, he is also the only character where an angel doesn't appear. So here's where I tie up a few theories together:

Jason was defeated in Fight (1994). In his wanders, he met the demon Julian, who plotted to take over the LF world. While grappling each other, Jason tried to bodyswap to confuse his opponent as he always had. Unfortunately, Julian managed to bend Jason to his will just before they swapped bodies. Julian took over the body of a champion fighter while gaining a powerful pawn. The lingering evil influence in Julian's body would further corrupt Jason's soul, preventing it from doing bodyswaps again and dooming it forever.

The tournament in LF1 was about to begin. This was the perfect opportunity for Julian to get to know his opponent, so he used his new pawn to enter the tournament as himself. Jason was believed to be missing, so Dennis took his place in the LF1 tournament, where he unknowingly fights and defeats his brother, destroying his soul (thus no angel appears when KO'd). Having assessed his opponents, Julian decided he would need to build an army while also subverting the enemy's defenses.

Julian soon learned about the crimson gems, and used them to create masks to strengthen himself as well as to control lesser men. By donning the mask, Julian's body transforms into its grey skin and red-haired form we now know.

[Image: Firzen.gif][Image: Bat.gif][Image: JH9Cwue.png]
What about Firzen & Bat? Notice that they're the only two characters with red pupils, and originally Bat didn't have red pupils. You can also argue that Firzen shouldn't have red eyes either - Firen + Freeze = Firzen, and both Firen & Freeze have blue eyes - so Firzen should normally have blue eyes too!

You'd also notice that Bat, Justin, Julian, Firzen (and Knight, but they are expected to be stiff) have a few things in common:
1) Stiff walking - look at their arms when they stand and walk.
2) Only one weapon swing and weapon throw sprite animation.

We also established that Firzen and Bat were under the control of Julian.

What can we conclude?
Red pupils are a symptom of demonic corruption, and also causes the way you fight to become more stiff and aggressive. They are among the first characters to be controlled by Julian in LF2, and stuck around just long enough to gradually become like Julian/Justin, but they did not put on masks and so did not have grey skin and glowing red eyes. So rather than Julian being like Firzen, it was Firzen being like Julian.

Firzen never joins the players because he was corrupted for longer than Bat and lost his identity like Jason had. He is also encountered twice with red eyes because he was only cloned much later, when Firzen was already experiencing demonic corruption symptoms.

Jason is Dennis' brother.
LF2!Julian is in Jason's body. Jason's soul was in LF1!Julian's original body and got corrupted/controlled.
Bat & Firzen have red pupils and very stiff fighting like Justin/Julian; a sign of demonic corruption without outright putting on the mask.

We should add up the theories together into one big mega theory.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: Deep , prince_freeza , Gespenst , LutiChris , the lf2 fan

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