This is a simply Stage data that uses only data already available in the original LF2. All stages including Survival changed.
custom stage.rar (Size: 363.4 KB / Downloads: 177)
Attachment includes the stage.dat file, and the following optional add-ons:
* Custom Template - stats boosted to same as average hero character, able to roll any direction, J+A to use >>A attack. DJA to heal. DvA to kick. Cleaned up template sprites. Dashing back can defend against attacks, also triggered by D^J/DvJ. Be warned you do encounter Template in one particular section of Stage 5, but they shouldn't be too hard to deal with since they are still essentially just Bandits with more HP.
* etc_mirror.bmp , which is to make the etc commands like "come/move/stay/I join you" show up properly when spawned in stage.
I did this because I always thought original LF2's stage placed too much emphasis on building up an army to steamroll the enemy from stage 4 onwards, while stage 3 itself pretty much expected you to go on to fight LouisEX without any milk from fighting 3 enemy heroes in a row. I also found that there aren't many LF2 stage mods out there which didn't modify the data of individual characters and thus be incompatible with potential mods. Thus, the motivation for making this default data only stage.
What to expect from this stage mode:
* Enemies are balanced to have more HP in general, but less of them spawn in the same instance.
* Emphasis on soloing the stage yourself on Difficult/Crazy difficulty. You are expected to fight hard but be given a generous amount of milk between important fights.
* Some surprise phases!
* Allies/Criminals are still available, but they don't last long. In fact, they are mostly just meat shields to briefly distract the enemy while you go for the boss. Don't expect to raise a whole army and steamroll stage.
I've gotten feedback from prince_freeza and Nave that this is tough (at least for stages 1 to 4, stage 5 and survival are still pretty new). Can you conquer this stage with the 10 original heroes (or even Template)?
![[Image: icSeGE1.png]](
Quick screenshot. I wish I could upload a video as this screenshot doesn't do the stage justice; my internet has been extremely slow lately so I can't properly upload a video file.
Here's a video preview of Stage 3-3 and 3-4.
This stage is pretty much done (updating Survival though), but feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Updated Stage.dat (Click to View)
<stage> id: 0 #stage 1-1 <phase> bound: 800 #bandits music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #intro hunter id: 31 hp: 80 act: 9 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 act: 9 times: 2 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #intro weapons id: 100 x: 295 #stick id: 151 x: 305 #crate id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #enemy spawns behind id: 30 hp: 80 x: -400 times: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 1 #stage 1-2 <phase> bound: 800 #intro allies id: 998 x: 1 y: 0 act: 7 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 80 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #intro drinks and freeing allies id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 2 #milk id: 123 x: 200 ratio: 1 #beer id: 300 hp: 160 act: 20 x: 300 #jack id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 1 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #filler front id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1.0 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1150 #filler behind id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -400 times: 1 ratio: 1 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -400 times: 1 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1300 #replenish id: 122 x: 850 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 2 #stage 1-3 <phase> bound: 800 #foreshadow id: 31 hp: 30 x: 250 act: 189 y: -700 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #ambush id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 4 y: -250 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -700 act: 212 times: 1 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 times: 1 id: 31 x: -400 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #breather id: 122 x: 250 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 123 x: 250 ratio: 1 times: 3 #beer id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 3 #stage 1-4 <phase> bound: 900 #skyfall id: 30 hp: 80 x: 100 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 400 y: -700 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 750 y: -700 <soldier> id: 31 hp: 80 times: 2 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #filler double id: 122 x: 400 times: 2 #milk id: 123 x: 400 #beer id: 31 x: -700 hp: 80 times: 1 id: 31 x: -700 hp: 80 times: 1 ratio: 1.3 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1.3 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1300 #filler id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1.0 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #intro mark as leader id: 32 hp: 200 join: 200 <boss> id: 3000 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -700 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -700 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 100 x: 1750 y: 0 ratio: 1 #bat id: 101 x: 1750 y: 0 ratio: 1 #hoe id: 150 x: 1750 y: 0 #stone id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 4 #stage 1-5 <phase> bound: 900 #filler id: 31 hp: 80 times: 1 id: 31 hp: 80 times: 1 ratio: .8 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: .8 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #fight id: 122 x: 850 times: 2 #milk id: 123 x: 850 #beer id: 31 hp: 80 times: 1 x: -500 id: 31 hp: 80 times: 1 ratio: .8 x: -500 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 x: -500 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: .8 x: -500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1700 #rescue jan healer id: 300 act: 60 hp: 240 reserve: 2 x: 1300 #jan id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 1100 y: -700 times: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 1100 y: -700 times: 2 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #preboss breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 1100 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk <soldier> id: 123 x: 1100 ratio: 1 #beer <soldier> id: 32 hp: 200 times: 2 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 3000 #final bandit battle music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 32 hp: 200 act: 240 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 act: 240 ratio: 0.5 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 y: -700 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 y: -700 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1200 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: 1500 y: -700 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 x: 1800 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 32 hp: 200 x: -900 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 x: -900 ratio: 0.25 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -900 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: -900 <soldier> <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 10 #stage 2-1 <phase> bound: 800 #warmup fight music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #warmup mark id: 32 hp: 200 x: -600 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -400 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: -400 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #intro champion id: 11 hp: 300 x: 400 y: -600 act: 291 <boss> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 x: -500 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 803 #milk breather id: 122 x: 100 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 804 #prison riot music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 998 x: 400 y: 0 act: 1 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 32 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 5 id: 36 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 0.5 join: 240 id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 3 id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 3 id: 30 hp: 80 id: 31 hp: 80 id: 31 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 3 id: 32 hp: 200 times: 2 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 800 #warden intro knight id: 998 x: 650 y: 0 act: 3 id: 37 hp: 200 act: 212 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 x: 1000 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: -800 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 11 #stage 2-2 <phase> bound: 800 #armor fire ice id: 34 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 120 #sorc id: 37 hp: 200 id: 37 hp: 200 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #milk breather id: 122 x: 100 times: 4 #milk id: 123 x: 100 times: 2 #beer id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1800 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 1800 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #discover justin music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 39 hp: 160 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #a dark gathering id: 39 hp: 160 x: 550 y: -700 times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 1 times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1201 #replenish id: 122 x: 900 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 12 #stage 2-3 <phase> bound: 900 #standard fight id: 39 hp: 160 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #mark id: 32 hp: 200 <boss> id: 39 hp: 160 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -400 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1050 #milk breather id: 122 x: 550 ratio: 1 times: 3 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #knight id: 37 hp: 200 x: -400 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -400 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 0.5 id: 3000 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1150 #milk breather id: 122 x: 550 ratio: 0.5 times: 3 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #skyfall id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 4 y: 0 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 350 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 700 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 350 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 700 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.25 id: 30 hp: 80 id: 37 x: -400 hp: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1201 #replenish id: 122 x: 900 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 13 #stage 2-4 <phase> bound: 800 #knight fight id: 37 hp: 200 x: 250 y: -600 act: 212 <boss> id: 39 hp: 160 y: -700 x: 1200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 5 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 1500 <soldier> times: 5 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 2200 y: -700 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 850 #breather id: 300 x: 5 act: 60 hp: 240 ratio: 0.5 #jan id: 122 x: 100 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 x: 450 y: -700 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #ambush invis music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 998 x: 5 y: 0 act: 5 id: 300 x: 5 act: 40 hp: 80 reserve: 2 id: 32 hp: 200 id: 39 hp: 160 act: 1250 id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 act: 1190 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 250 act: 1160 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 450 y: -700 act: 1280 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 650 ratio: 1 act: 1130 id: 39 hp: 160 x: -600 act: 1280 id: 30 hp: 80 x: -600 ratio: 1 act: 1220 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 950 #breather id: 122 x: 150 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 x: 2100 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #champion duel id: 1000 hp: 300 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 times: 3 <boss> id: 39 hp: 160 x: -1000 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1001 #replenish id: 122 x: 600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 14 #stage 2-5 <phase> bound: 900 #double champions id: 998 x: 5 y: 0 act: 5 id: 123 x: 450 y: 0 #beer id: 1000 hp: 300 x: -1000 y: -1000 act: 212 id: 1000 hp: 300 y: -700 act: 212 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #fight id: 122 x: 450 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 300 act: 0 hp: 200 x: 450 reserve: 2 #monk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 x: -400 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 2 ratio: 1 x: -400 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1300 #champion battle id: 1000 hp: 300 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -400 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 x: -400 <soldier> times: 3 id: 32 hp: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 150 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 225 y: 500 id: 225 y: 500 id: 225 y: 500 id: 225 x: -400 y: 500 id: 225 x: -400 y: 500 id: 225 x: -400 y: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1700 #bat duel music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 38 hp: 500 act: 260 x: 750 <boss> id: 225 y: 500 <soldier> id: 225 y: 500 <soldier> id: 225 y: 500 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1900 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 times: 5 #milk id: 123 x: 1200 y: 0 #beer id: 300 x: 1200 act: 60 hp: 240 reserve: 5 #jan id: 300 x: 1200 act: 10 hp: 200 reserve: 2 #mark id: 300 x: 1200 act: 20 hp: 160 reserve: 2 #jack id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #bat final boss music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 38 hp: 500 x: -400 act: 260 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 x: -900 <soldier> times: 2 id: 32 hp: 200 <soldier> x: 3000 times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 <soldier> times: 3 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 900 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 1300 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 1700 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 20 #stage 3-1 <phase> bound: 800 #monk intro music: bgm\stage3.wma id: 35 hp: 200 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 2 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 850 #monk fight 2 id: 35 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 200 id: 35 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 0.5 join: 200 id: 35 hp: 200 x: 1500 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 1500 <boss> id: 39 hp: 160 x: 700 y: -2100 act: 212 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1500 ratio: 1 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 50 y: -2100 act: 212 <soldier> times: 2 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #replenish quickly id: 122 x: 300 y: 0 ratio: 1 #milk id: 32 hp: 0 x: -5000 y: -1000 times: 18 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #champion battle id: 300 hp: 160 act: 20 reserve: 2 x: 200 ratio: 0.5 id: 1000 hp: 300 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> times: 3 id: 35 hp: 200 id: 32 hp: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 902 #breather id: 122 x: 200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 3 #milk id: 123 x: 350 y: 0 ratio: 1 #beer id: 300 hp: 80 act: 40 reserve: 3 x: 400 id: 300 hp: 200 act: 10 reserve: 2 x: 400 ratio: 0.5 id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1500 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: 1500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 903 #hunter ambush id: 998 x: 500 y: 0 act: 4 y: -250 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 175 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> times: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 350 y: -700 act: 212 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 525 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> times: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 x: 700 y: -700 act: 212 id: 4 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 31 hp: 80 id: 31 x: -800 hp: 80 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #replenish id: 122 x: 750 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 21 #stage 3-2 <phase> bound: 800 #intro jack id: 33 hp: 160 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #jack and justin id: 998 x: 100 y: 0 act: 4 id: 33 hp: 160 id: 33 hp: 160 ratio: 1 id: 39 hp: 160 x: -950 y: -400 act: 212 id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 x: -900 y: -400 act: 212 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1050 #breather id: 122 x: 500 times: 3 #milk id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -800 ratio: 1 id: 30 hp: 80 x: -800 times: 2 id: 300 hp: 160 act: 20 x: 850 reserve: 2 #jack <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1150 #champion battle id: 9 hp: 300 act: 275 x: -800 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 x: -900 id: 33 hp: 160 x: -800 id: 3000 hp: 80 act: 212 x: 300 y: -700 <soldier> times: 2 id: 30 hp: 80 act: 212 x: 900 y: -1200 <soldier> times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1225 #breather id: 122 x: 800 times: 3 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 x: -800 times: 2 id: 300 hp: 160 act: 20 x: 800 reserve: 2 #jack <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1300 #champion battle 2 id: 300 hp: 80 act: 40 reserve: 6 x: 850 #bandits id: 123 x: 1000 #beer id: 1000 hp: 300 act: 275 x: -1200 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 act: 212 x: -1600 x: 300 y: -1500 <soldier> id: 32 hp: 200 x: -1600 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -800 id: 3000 hp: 80 act: 212 x: 100 y: -700 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #replenish id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 22 #stage 3-3 <phase> bound: 800 #warmup music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 39 hp: 160 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 <boss> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 600 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #invisible rudolfs music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 998 x: 5 y: 0 act: 5 id: 5 hp: 2 x: 400 act: 255 id: 5 hp: 2 act: 1250 id: 5 hp: 2 act: 1220 x: -400 id: 5 hp: 2 act: 1190 id: 5 hp: 2 act: 1160 x: -400 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #breather id: 10 hp: 0 x: 400 act: 189 y: -700 #deadwoody id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 123 x: 200 #beer id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1800 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 902 #woodyclones id: 10 hp: 2 x: 450 act: 290 y: -100 id: 10 hp: 2 x: -600 id: 10 hp: 2 x: 150 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 id: 10 hp: 2 x: 300 y: -700 act: 212 id: 10 hp: 2 x: 450 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 id: 10 hp: 2 x: 600 y: -700 act: 212 id: 10 hp: 2 x: 750 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 id: 10 hp: 2 id: 10 hp: 2 act: 275 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 903 #woody duel id: 10 hp: 300 act: 275 x: 2200 y: -500 join: 450 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 x: -600 <soldier> times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -600 y: -700 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1199 #breather music: bgm\stage3.wma id: 122 x: 350 times: 5 ratio: 1 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 x: 1900 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #rudolf id: 5 hp: 300 act: 261 x: 450 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 x: -400 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 150 y: -800 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 450 y: -800 ratio: 0.5 id: 33 hp: 160 x: 750 y: -800 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #replenish id: 37 hp: 0 x: 1000 act: 189 y: -1000 #deadknight id: 122 x: 1150 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 23 #stage 3-4 <phase> bound: 800 #knights id: 37 hp: 200 id: 37 hp: 200 act: 212 y: -450 id: 37 hp: 200 ratio: 0.5 act: 212 y: -900 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 id: 122 x: 150 ratio: 1 #milk id: 300 act: 30 hp: 120 x: 75 reserve: 5 #sorcerer id: 1 hp: 300 x: 2200 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 2200 y: -700 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 2200 times: 2 id: 33 hp: 160 x: 800 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 600 y: -800 act: 212 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1499 #breather id: 122 x: 200 times: 4 ratio: 1 #milk id: 300 act: 10 hp: 200 x: 1300 reserve: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #louis id: 6 hp: 300 y: -1000 act: 90 id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 3 id: 37 hp: 200 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> times: 2 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -600 <soldier> times: 3 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: -600 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 750 y: -700 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1800 #replenish id: 122 x: 1300 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 24 #stage 3-5 <phase> bound: 900 #louisEX duel music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 6 hp: 500 act: 300 x: 500 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 800 y: -1000 act: 212 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 1100 times: 5 ratio: 1 #milk id: 123 x: 1050 times: 2 #beer id: 300 act: 60 hp: 240 x: 1250 reserve: 3 #jan id: 300 act: 30 hp: 120 x: 1275 reserve: 5 #sorc id: 300 act: 0 hp: 200 x: 1225 reserve: 3 #monk id: 300 act: 10 hp: 200 x: 1250 ratio: 0.5 reserve: 3 #mark id: 33 hp: 160 times: 2 x: -400 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #final boss LouisEX music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 300 act: 40 hp: 80 reserve: 5 x: 50 ratio: 0.5 #bandit id: 300 act: 50 hp: 80 reserve: 5 x: 2100 ratio: 0.5 #hunter id: 50 hp: 500 x: 1100 y: -1000 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 x: -800 <soldier> times: 2 id: 35 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 33 hp: 160 <soldier> id: 33 hp: 160 x: -800 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 900 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 x: 1300 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 1700 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 30 #stage 4-1 <phase> bound: 800 #intro sorcerer music: bgm\stage4.wma id: 34 hp: 120 id: 33 hp: 160 id: 35 hp: 200 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #wait for it id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 122 x: 200 #milk id: 213 x: 150 ratio: 0.5 #icesword id: 213 x: 150 ratio: 0.5 #icesword id: 34 hp: 0 x: 400 act: 189 y: -1000 #deadsorc id: 37 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #welcome to hell music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 998 x: 650 y: 0 act: 3 id: 36 hp: 0 join: 240 x: -400 ratio: 0.5 #crazyjan id: 34 hp: 100 act: 235 x: 750 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 100 act: 270 x: 750 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 100 act: 235 x: 750 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 100 act: 270 x: 750 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 100 act: 235 ratio: 1 x: 750 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 100 act: 270 ratio: 1 x: 750 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 803 #rest fire dude music: bgm\stage4.wma id: 122 x: 300 ratio: 1 times: 2 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 804 #john and jan id: 2 hp: 300 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> times: 2 id: 998 x: 400 y: 0 act: 1 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 30 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 30 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 30 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 30 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 30 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 805 #breather id: 122 x: 300 ratio: 1 times: 2 #milk id: 213 x: 350 ratio: 0.5 #icesword <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 id: 30 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <boss> id: 213 x: 1625 ratio: 0.5 #icesword <soldier> id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 <soldier> #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 <soldier> #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 <soldier> #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 <soldier> #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 <soldier> #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 <soldier> #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 <soldier> #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 <soldier> #ice <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 31 #stage 4-2 <phase> bound: 800 #fire start id: 32 hp: 200 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 x: 500 y: -800 act: 212 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 120 x: 600 y: -900 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 #fire <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #breather id: 122 x: 200 times: 2 #milk id: 300 hp: 300 act: 60 x: 100 reserve: 50 #jan id: 30 hp: 80 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #champion battle id: 1000 hp: 300 act: 212 x: 500 y: -700 times: 2 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 750 y: -700 act: 212 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -800 id: 39 hp: 160 x: -800 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #breather id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 8 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 360 id: 37 hp: 200 id: 30 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 600 y: -2100 #burning marker <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #firen id: 7 hp: 400 act: 285 x: 600 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 750 y: -700 act: 212 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -800 id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 33 hp: 160 x: -800 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #replenish id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 32 #stage 4-3 <phase> bound: 800 #ice start id: 39 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 x: 500 y: -800 act: 212 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 x: 600 y: -900 act: 212 <boss> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 #ice <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #breather id: 122 x: 200 times: 2 #milk id: 37 hp: 200 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #champion battle id: 1000 hp: 300 act: 212 x: 800 y: -700 <boss> id: 1000 hp: 300 act: 212 x: 200 y: -700 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1100 #breather id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 2 #milk id: 7 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 300 id: 37 hp: 200 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 id: 30 hp: 0 act: 200 x: 600 y: -2100 #ice marker <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1200 #freeze id: 8 hp: 400 act: 260 x: 600 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 750 y: -700 act: 212 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -800 id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 x: -800 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #replenish id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 33 #stage 4-4 <phase> bound: 800 #fight id: 36 hp: 240 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 1600 id: 35 hp: 200 x: 600 y: -700 act: 212 id: 33 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -1500 act: 212 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -1500 act: 212 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #breather id: 122 x: 200 times: 5 #milk id: 37 hp: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #ambush id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 4 y: -250 id: 34 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -1500 act: 212 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -1500 act: 212 times: 2 id: 34 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -1500 act: 212 id: 34 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -1500 act: 212 id: 36 hp: 240 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 id: 34 x: -400 hp: 120 act: 270 id: 34 hp: 80 act: 235 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #breather id: 122 x: 250 times: 5 #milk id: 37 hp: 200 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #invisible sorcs id: 998 x: 5 y: 0 act: 5 id: 36 hp: 240 x: 450 y: -700 id: 34 hp: 120 act: 1250 id: 34 hp: 120 act: 1190 id: 34 hp: 120 x: 250 act: 1160 id: 34 hp: 120 x: 450 y: -700 act: 1280 id: 34 hp: 120 x: 650 act: 1130 id: 34 hp: 120 x: -600 act: 1280 id: 34 hp: 120 x: -600 ratio: 1 act: 1220 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1499 #breather id: 122 x: 750 times: 5 #milk id: 37 hp: 200 id: 2 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 360 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 #firen and freeze music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 act: 270 <soldier> times: 3 id: 34 hp: 120 act: 235 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 x: -1000 ratio: 1 act: 235 <soldier> times: 3 id: 34 hp: 120 x: -1000 act: 270 <soldier> id: 7 hp: 300 x: 600 act: 285 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 750 y: -700 id: 8 hp: 300 x: 900 act: 260 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: -1000 id: 36 hp: 240 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 7 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 id: 8 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 34 #stage 4-5 <phase> bound: 800 #breather id: 37 hp: 200 id: 34 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 400 y: -1500 #burning marker id: 34 hp: 0 act: 200 x: 400 y: -1500 #ice marker <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #firzen music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 51 hp: 600 x: 400 act: 290 <boss> id: 36 hp: 160 <soldier> times: 3 id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 0.25 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 #prefinal fight music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 51 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1100 id: 122 x: 750 ratio: 1 times: 6 #milk id: 213 x: 1625 ratio: 1 #icesword id: 4 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 600 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #firzen music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 51 hp: 500 act: 240 x: 1100 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 1150 act: 260 id: 36 hp: 240 x: 1050 act: 260 id: 35 hp: 200 id: 32 hp: 200 id: 39 hp: 160 x: 1800 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 32 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 200 id: 35 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 200 ratio: 0.5 id: 3000 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 80 id: 3000 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 80 id: 3000 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 80 id: 3000 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 80 id: 3000 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 80 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 40 #stage 5-1 <phase> bound: 800 #welcome music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 39 hp: 160 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 2 id: 31 hp: 80 <soldier> times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> times: 2 #crazy <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #surprise music: bgm\boss2.wma id: 52 hp: 20 x: 400 act: 317 <boss> id: 52 hp: 20 act: 260 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #breather music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 80 times: 2 id: 31 hp: 0 x: 600 y: -700 act: 189 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 803 #Deep Henry id: 1 hp: 300 x: 400 y: -700 act: 268 <boss> id: 4 hp: 300 x: 700 act: 250 <boss> id: 3000 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 x: -400 <soldier> #crazy <phase_end> <phase> bound: 804 #breather id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 300 hp: 300 act: 60 x: 100 reserve: 50 #jan id: 5 hp: 0 x: 400 y: -700 act: 189 id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 805 #rudolf id: 5 hp: 300 x: 400 act: 261 <boss> id: 5 hp: 2 x: 100 act: 255 <soldier> id: 5 hp: 2 act: 255 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 806 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 807 #ambush music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 4 y: -250 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -700 act: 212 times: 3 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 times: 3 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 250 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 3000 hp: 80 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 times: 2 id: 3000 x: -400 hp: 80 times: 3 ratio: 1 id: 3000 hp: 80 times: 3 ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 #boundary music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 39 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 2000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 39 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 41 #stage 5-2 <phase> bound: 800 #fight music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 32 hp: 200 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 140 <soldier> ratio: 1 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 850 #breather id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #brothers id: 9 hp: 300 x: -600 y: -1500 act: 212 <boss> id: 11 hp: 300 x: 450 y: -2100 act: 291 <boss> id: 10 hp: 300 x: 700 y: -100 act: 275 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #breather id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 123 x: 200 ratio: 1 #beer id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 902 #knights and justins id: 998 x: 500 y: 0 act: 4 id: 37 hp: 200 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 x: -600 <boss> id: 39 hp: 140 x: 800 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 140 x: 100 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 140 x: 800 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 140 ratio: 1 x: 100 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 903 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 905 #bat music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 38 hp: 500 act: 240 x: 600 <boss> id: 38 hp: 2 ratio: 0.25 x: 650 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 32 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 33 hp: 160 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 140 x: -400 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 906 #breather music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 122 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 123 x: 200 ratio: 1 times: 2 #beer id: 213 x: 300 #icesword id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 907 #killer marks music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 4 y: -250 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 0 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 150 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 300 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 450 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 600 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 750 id: 32 hp: 200 x: 900 id: 120 x: 50 #knife x17 id: 120 x: 100 #knife id: 120 x: 150 #knife id: 120 x: 200 #knife id: 120 x: 250 #knife id: 120 x: 300 #knife id: 120 x: 350 #knife id: 120 x: 400 #knife id: 120 x: 450 #knife id: 120 x: 500 #knife id: 120 x: 550 #knife id: 120 x: 600 #knife id: 120 x: 650 #knife id: 120 x: 700 #knife id: 120 x: 750 #knife id: 120 x: 800 #knife id: 120 x: 850 #knife id: 39 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 400 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 #boundary music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 39 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 2000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 39 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 42 #stage 5-3 <phase> bound: 800 #fight id: 998 x: 1 y: 0 act: 7 id: 38 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 300 id: 35 hp: 200 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 <soldier> times: 2 id: 39 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 850 #breather id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 4 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 id: 218 x: 400 #armor <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #louis and john music: bgm\stage3.wma id: 6 hp: 300 act: 90 x: 600 y: -300 <boss> id: 2 hp: 300 act: 300 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 33 hp: 160 x: 450 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 120 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #breather id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 902 #hijack id: 998 x: 500 y: 0 act: 4 id: 37 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 450 y: -700 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 act: 240 x: -800 <soldier> id: 33 hp: 160 x: -800 ratio: 1 act: 240 <soldier> times: 2 id: 33 hp: 160 act: 240 <soldier> id: 33 hp: 160 ratio: 1 act: 240 <soldier> times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 903 #breather id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 904 #monk id: 300 hp: 300 act: 3 x: 450 join: 200 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 35 hp: 200 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 475 act: 260 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 999 #preboss music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1000 #louisEX music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 6 hp: 600 act: 300 x: 500 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 x: 550 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> times: 2 id: 35 hp: 200 x: -400 <soldier> times: 3 id: 33 hp: 160 act: 240 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 #boundary music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 39 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 2000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 39 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 43 #stage 5-4 <phase> bound: 800 #intro sorcerer music: bgm\stage4.wma id: 36 hp: 240 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 100 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 900 #breather id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 213 x: 150 #icesword id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 id: 34 hp: 0 x: 600 act: 189 y: -1000 #deadsorc <phase_end> <phase> bound: 901 #greetings music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 998 x: 650 y: 0 act: 4 id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 times: 5 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 times: 5 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 ratio: 1 times: 5 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 ratio: 1 times: 5 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 times: 5 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 times: 5 #ice id: 34 hp: 0 act: 235 times: 5 #fire id: 34 hp: 0 act: 270 times: 5 #ice <phase_end> <phase> bound: 902 #welcome to hell 2 id: 998 x: 650 y: 0 act: 4 id: 36 hp: 240 x: 450 y: -700 act: 212 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 x: -400 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 x: -400 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1798 #boundary music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 39 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1799 #rest fire dude id: 998 x: 1 y: 0 act: 7 id: 50 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 500 id: 37 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 0.5 join: 300 id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 6 #milk id: 1000 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1800 #firzen family music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 51 hp: 600 act: 240 x: 900 <boss> id: 7 hp: 300 x: 750 act: 285 <boss> id: 8 hp: 300 x: 1050 act: 260 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 x: 900 act: 260 <soldier> times: 2 id: 34 hp: 120 x: 1300 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 x: 500 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 100 ratio: 1 x: -600 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 100 ratio: 0.5 x: -600 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 #boundary music: bgm\stage5.wma id: 39 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 2000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 39 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 44 #stage 5-5 <phase> bound: 800 #justins id: 37 hp: 200 <boss> id: 39 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 x: 400 y: -700 act: 212 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #breather id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 802 #template truth music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 0 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 700 y: -700 times: 2 id: 0 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 700 y: -700 times: 2 id: 0 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 400 y: -700 times: 2 id: 0 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 100 y: -700 times: 2 id: 0 hp: 200 act: 212 x: 100 y: -700 times: 2 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 803 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 213 x: 350 #icesword <soldier> id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 500 <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2199 music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1750 <boss> id: 213 x: 1625 ratio: 0.5 #icesword <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 200 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 400 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 800 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 1000 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 1200 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 1400 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 1600 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 1800 <soldier> id: 1000 hp: 2 y: -700 act : 212 x: 2000 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #replenish music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 1000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1200 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1400 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1600 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 1800 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 122 x: 2000 y: 0 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 30 hp: 0 x: -2200 y: -1000 act: 189 <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 45 #stage 5-6 <phase> bound: 800 #julian duel music: bgm\boss2.wma id: 52 hp: 600 x: 400 act: 317 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 <soldier> times: 3 id: 39 hp: 80 y: -2100 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 801 #breather music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 400 ratio: 1 times: 5 #milk id: 37 hp: 200 x: 1200 y: -700 act: 212 id: 300 hp: 500 act: 0 x: 100 #monk <phase_end> <phase> bound: 2200 #clash of armies music: bgm\boss2.wma id: 998 x: 300 y: 0 act: 1 id: 51 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 1000 id: 50 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 1000 id: 38 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 1000 id: 1 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 2 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 4 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 5 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 9 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 10 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 11 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 750 id: 30 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 300 id: 31 hp: 0 x: -400 ratio: 1 join: 300 id: 32 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 500 id: 33 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 500 id: 34 hp: 0 x: -400 join: 500 id: 52 hp: 1000 x: 1100 act: 280 <boss> id: 52 hp: 2 act: 260 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> id: 37 hp: 200 ratio: 1 <soldier> times: 3 id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 3 id: 39 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: 400 y: -700 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 x: 800 y: -700 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 ratio: 1 x: 1200 y: -700 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 x: 1600 y: -700 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 x: 2000 y: -700 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 80 ratio: 1 y: -700 <soldier> <phase_end> <stage_end> <stage> id: 50 #Survival Stage <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 0 warmup music: bgm\stage1.wma id: 122 x: 100 #milk id: 122 x: 100 #milk ratio: 1 id: 300 hp: 360 act: 60 x: 100 reserve: 2147483647 id: 32 hp: 200 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 31 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 1 id: 1 hp: 400 x: 1500 y: -300 act: 266 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 2 id: 2 hp: 400 x: 1300 act: 300 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 3 id: 4 hp: 400 act: 280 <boss> id: 31 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 31 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 4 id: 5 hp: 400 x: 1300 act: 250 <boss> id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 31 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 5 id: 6 hp: 400 x: 1500 y: -300 act: 90 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 6 id: 7 hp: 400 act: 285 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 7 id: 8 hp: 400 act: 260 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 8 id: 9 hp: 400 act: 295 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 9 id: 10 hp: 400 act: 275 <boss> id: 33 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 10 music: bgm\main.wma id: 11 hp: 400 x: 1300 y: -300 act: 290 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 11 break music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 100 #milk <soldier> id: 122 x: 100 #milk ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1000 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 12 music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 38 hp: 400 x: 1300 act: 260 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 13 id: 50 hp: 500 x: 1300 y: -300 act: 90 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 35 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 3 id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 14 id: 51 hp: 500 x: 1400 act: 249 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 15 music: bgm\boss2.wma id: 52 hp: 500 x: 1500 act: 106 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 2 id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 16 music: bgm\stage3.wma id: 122 x: 100 #milk <soldier> id: 122 x: 100 #milk ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1000 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 17 id: 7 hp: 400 act: 255 <boss> id: 8 hp: 400 act: 274 <boss> id: 34 hp: 120 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 18 id: 5 hp: 400 act: 260 <boss> id: 9 hp: 400 act: 280 <boss> id: 35 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 19 id: 1 hp: 400 act: 290 <boss> id: 4 hp: 400 act: 270 <boss> id: 30 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 31 hp: 80 <soldier> id: 3000 hp: 80 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 20 id: 10 hp: 400 act: 250 <boss> id: 11 hp: 400 act: 240 <boss> id: 32 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 33 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 21 id: 6 hp: 400 act: 247 <boss> id: 2 hp: 400 act: 300 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 <soldier> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 22 music: bgm\stage2.wma id: 122 x: 100 #milk <soldier> id: 122 x: 100 #milk ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 6 hp: 500 x: 1300 act: 300 <boss> id: 6 hp: 400 x: 1500 y: -300 act: 90 <boss> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 23 music: bgm\boss1.wma id: 51 hp: 500 x: 1400 act: 249 <boss> id: 7 hp: 400 x: 1400 y: -1000 act: 212 <boss> id: 8 hp: 400 x: 1400 y: -1000 act: 212 <boss> id: 36 hp: 240 <soldier> id: 34 hp: 120 ratio: 0.5 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 24 music: bgm\boss2.wma id: 52 hp: 500 x: 1300 act: 310 <boss> id: 38 hp: 400 x: 1300 act: 240 <boss> id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> id: 39 hp: 160 ratio: 1 <soldier> <phase_end> <phase> bound: 1500 # phase 25 music: bgm\stage4.wma id: 122 x: 100 #milk <soldier> id: 122 x: 100 #milk ratio: 1 <soldier> id: 0 hp: 0 act: 203 x: 1000 <boss> when_clear_goto_phase: 1 <phase_end> <stage_end> <end> |
* Custom Template - stats boosted to same as average hero character, able to roll any direction, J+A to use >>A attack. DJA to heal. DvA to kick. Cleaned up template sprites. Dashing back can defend against attacks, also triggered by D^J/DvJ. Be warned you do encounter Template in one particular section of Stage 5, but they shouldn't be too hard to deal with since they are still essentially just Bandits with more HP.
* etc_mirror.bmp , which is to make the etc commands like "come/move/stay/I join you" show up properly when spawned in stage.
I did this because I always thought original LF2's stage placed too much emphasis on building up an army to steamroll the enemy from stage 4 onwards, while stage 3 itself pretty much expected you to go on to fight LouisEX without any milk from fighting 3 enemy heroes in a row. I also found that there aren't many LF2 stage mods out there which didn't modify the data of individual characters and thus be incompatible with potential mods. Thus, the motivation for making this default data only stage.
What to expect from this stage mode:
* Enemies are balanced to have more HP in general, but less of them spawn in the same instance.
* Emphasis on soloing the stage yourself on Difficult/Crazy difficulty. You are expected to fight hard but be given a generous amount of milk between important fights.
* Some surprise phases!
* Allies/Criminals are still available, but they don't last long. In fact, they are mostly just meat shields to briefly distract the enemy while you go for the boss. Don't expect to raise a whole army and steamroll stage.
I've gotten feedback from prince_freeza and Nave that this is tough (at least for stages 1 to 4, stage 5 and survival are still pretty new). Can you conquer this stage with the 10 original heroes (or even Template)?
![[Image: icSeGE1.png]](
Quick screenshot. I wish I could upload a video as this screenshot doesn't do the stage justice; my internet has been extremely slow lately so I can't properly upload a video file.
Here's a video preview of Stage 3-3 and 3-4.
This stage is pretty much done (updating Survival though), but feedback would be greatly appreciated.
![[Image: uMSShyX.png]](
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza