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Classic Mafia - Conclusion!
Okay we cleared things up. I hope in future if anyone has any issues with the rules, they should be directly challenged with the GM at the beginning instead of attempting to circumvent it so late into the game. Personally would appreciate the fault being pointed out rather than played out as it did, but what's done is done.

If I host any future rounds after this one I will take out the "No talking outside of thread" rule, because as we both agreed(and I was aware of well before hosting), its simply not enforceable and I basically have to take someone's word for it as he pointed out. I will also probably make a point to make a rule about lying/bending about rules. It's a shame that it means there'd be no mechanic of killing the brains, but its for the best.

Reminder night phase has begun, those with night actions do send the relevant PMs, official post will come some hours from now.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: LutiChris , A-Man
(03-03-2016, 06:36 PM)STM1993 Wrote:  If I host any future rounds after this one I will take out the "No talking outside of thread" rule, because as we both agreed(and I was aware of well before hosting), its simply not enforceable and I basically have to take someone's word for it as he pointed out. I will also probably make a point to make a rule about lying/bending about rules. It's a shame that it means there'd be no mechanic of killing the brains, but its for the best.

The game was fine with that rule until now, but yes, it's problematic if we bend it to get advantage.
"No talking outside of thread" is too vague. In my opinion, receiving PMs shouldn't be interpreted as breaking the rules (otherwise any player could PM another to get him killed), the rule-breaking action should be sending PMs or explicitly incite other players to do so. But even with that clarification, players could take advantage of this to get other players killed (lying about them sending PMs).

Just thinking out loud here, but what if we change the rule to "don't publicly incite other players to send PMs" and "don't publicly use information which was supposedly obtained from PMs in any way"? With those rules, while private conversations may exist, they won't affect the players that are not involved in them that much, because it would be prohibited to even mention them. Those are enforceable, since they regulate public actions.

Sure, some players will avoid saying "I won't vote against X because he told me privately he's innocent", and will probably use other reasons in public. But that other reasons will be the ones to be discussed, and it's up to the other players to see if they are reasonable or not.

(03-03-2016, 05:16 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  It's clear I'm not enjoying this match for some reason, which might be because I seriously can't see who's behind all this mess. Everyone is contributing to the chaos in some way and those who're not don't seem to be suspicious as well. Argh.

That's the reason I'm enjoying it so far. I find almost everyone to be so suspicious, that it's disturbing. Don't you want to know who's lying on your face, asap? It's exciting.
Thanks given by: A-Man , STM1993 , Rhino.Freak
(03-03-2016, 05:28 PM)Bamboori Wrote:  good to see you sticking to your rules, stm.

the question is: did we lose our lynch for this day now?

In a hurry to have another citizen lynched? You are getting quite active in the daily lynching, even though you are not providing theories or even concrete hunches. If you do have them thought out, I'll ask you to please post them. We need all the information we can gather.
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it's just that we had uncertainty on who to lynch and now we kind of wasted it. if we had the lynch left, we could discuss the next lynch. like this i guess we should wait the night and draw our conclusions from that.
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If you want to know one of my hunches, it's definitely still you. And I'm hoping we lynch you at the end of Day 4.
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how promising.
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Bamboori is so not himself, even Nave should be able to realize that :p and since he's not he's Bamboori's Mafia partner.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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@Apoc: yeah, I get what you mean. And I understand that myself. But at the same time I want to win. And from how it's going it doesn't look very promising for us :/
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Classic Mafia - Night 3
Vote Lynch Count (Click to View)
With the cop's death, the townsfolk were forced to become more proactive than ever.

As the day went on, the townsfolk grew hungry. The more the town looked at LutiChris, the more succulent he appeared...

Sensing this, the frogman attempted to get away, but Bamboori the chef embedded a shard of kryptonite into his back. Rendered helpless, LutiChris could only let out a croak as he was hurled into a cauldron of boiling water.

It had been a long day. Tonight on the menu: frog leg soup.

[Image: rGKAHwZ.png] (click picture for bgm)

LutiChris, a Town Citizen, has been lynched today.

Town/Mafia Ratio is 6:2
List of Players (Click to View)
Specific Game Rules (Click to View)
[Image: 3xv0P21.png]
Night phase has begun!

Those who have night abilities - Please state your Role & Night phase in the PM title. eg: "Trapper - Night 2" and indicate who you wish to target.
Thanks given by: Bamboori , LutiChris , A-Man
[Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg]
Thanks given by: STM1993

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