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Hy guys!

the spriting noob is back!
i should have given it up but somehow i got addicted to it again^^
so there we go. Its my first char sprite from scratch.
As you can see i tried to copy bat or better make a new style for him.
critics and comments are welcome
new sprites (Click to View)
i like it very much!
very nice style! love the hair!

issues though:
-it doesnt look like he has a mouth
-his right arm is a bit big in comparison to his left and looks a bit like a 'Hulk' arm, just sorta badly positioned (also his shoulders are a little droopy)
-if you look at the orignal bat sprites, there are horizontal lines on hit shirt for shading, and on his pants. (you dont have to consider this one, because you said it was a new style)

very nice! do more!!!
^said be Alectric...

one more thing: the legs seem too small....somewhat thin too....

But I like it ^^
i like it very much but like Alectric said.

It does look like bat but not much.

Hope you create more.

which program did you use?
(04-10-2009, 02:17 AM)Alectric Wrote: [ -> ]i like it very much!
very nice style! love the hair!

issues though:
-it doesnt look like he has a mouth
-his right arm is a bit big in comparison to his left and looks a bit like a 'Hulk' arm, just sorta badly positioned (also his shoulders are a little droopy)
-if you look at the orignal bat sprites, there are horizontal lines on hit shirt for shading, and on his pants. (you dont have to consider this one, because you said it was a new style)

very nice! do more!!!

wow so much lovely words from an advanced spriter.

1. i am not sure which colour i should use for the mouth.. it always looked to intense.. gonna experimente with that though
2. which right? going from the char's perspective or the one from my perspective?
i think its more the one from my perspective..
3. yeah.. i absolutely hate bat's shading way.. so i did not make it equal on purpose.

(04-10-2009, 05:56 AM)sadbhav Wrote: [ -> ]one more thing: the legs seem too small....somewhat thin too....
are you serious? for me they are a bit too big.. will have a look at it.

(04-10-2009, 07:53 AM)chase123 Wrote: [ -> ]which program did you use?

photofiltre studio - easy to use but still professional
also i did only use the touchpad of my notebook ( i never considered using a mouse for my sprites Twisted )
sry for the double post.. but i want ppl to check out the update of this..
[Image: bat_newstyle_fixed.png]
how is it now?
there is only a little difference i can see
you added some more shading to his shirt, and fixed his right arm up a bit
nicely fixed, but you should make the difference a little more obvious, also make left arm (our right) a bit smaller up top, and maybe a mouth, and it'll be perfect
for the mouth, just put a line of shading under his nose, it doesnt have to be fantasitic ;)
to me, he looks a little more fearsome than the original bat :D and more muscular!!
great work!!
dunno how it is about you..but i think the small things make the great things look better :D
so what i have fixed now.. :p
-added some forgotten shading at the area of the left(our right) arm.
-fixed up the left(our right) arm.
-added a mouth with an intense shading colour ^^

[Image: bat_newstyle_fixed-1.png]
for me he is perfect.. i like him in other words.. dunno if i will turn him into an char (would take ages :p)
but i will at least make a standing for him. so which char should i remake now? (requests are allowed :D)
nice futuristic look he only a sprite or what??
futuristic? hm.. yeah he looks older .. maybe he is a.. grown up bat... a teenage one or something
yes atm he is only a sprite and i am not sure if i make him into an char.. cause it would take ages to make him.. (and i am a lazy bastard :p)
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