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Matthias Hilger
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1. Name / Nickname
My real name is Chris whilst my nickname is Blue Phoenix. At the time of creating latter, I was fairly uncreative, so I just picked the first two favorite things that came to my mind.

2. Date of Birth
October, 1990

3. Place of Residence:
By the time I am updating this, I've probably moved already, so I won't even bother with this :p

4. Hair- / Eye-Color:
Hair is a mix between brown and blonde. Cannot really define the right color as it mostly depends on the light as well (the more intense the light source, the more blonde it looks and vice versa; which is why people often ask me if I dye them. I don't :p).
Eyes have a bit blue and yellow in them. The blue part changes to green when I get angry/annoyed. Quite bad for doing a pokerface but oh well...

5. Hobbies:
I mostly spend my time on painting (you can take a look at the images on my deviantArt-page here) but I also enjoy playing the piano in case I get the time and visit my parents (the piano is still there). Additionally, I like to program in various languages (mostly PHP, Java, and MatLab, although I do know a couple more, including, but not limited to, JavaScript+jQuery and Assembler). Of course, playing and modifying LF2 is, after all these years, still fun.

6. Profession Desire:
Good question. So far, i haven't really put a whole lot of thoughts into it. At first, I want to get my college-degree before thinking that much ahead. Something in the Physics-region.

7. Self-Assessment:
I like to finish things as perfect as possible, even though this can greatly mess up one's sleep schedule. On the other hand, paying attention to details has brought great joy into my life by having the fun of correcting my school teachers as well as my profs.

8. Outer characteristics:
Standard height, a little skinny. You wouldn’t recognize me on the street if I walked up right next to you.

9. Characteristics of behaviour:
Generally optimistic as long as things go right. Also, I like being random most of the time (asking me about something either results in a completely unrelated answer or various trivia; or both). Also, I like taking a way which reflects my behavior: absolutely random.

10. Favourite music:
There is nothing that can evade my ears. Or, in other words, I listen to everything. However, I dig anything with orchestral tunes.

11. Favourite film / film genre:
Overall, I haven't watched that many movies... and from what I've seen, I can't make out a clear winning genre.

12. Pets:
Apart from one or the other spider accompanying me from time to time, none.

13. Books:
Literature dealing with dystopian or post-apocalyptic themes (such as R. Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" or D. Glukhovsky's "Metro 2033") gets a big plus from me.

14. Where I would like to spend my vacations:
A place where I don't spend most of my time. Haven't had proper vacations for a few years so I have completely blocked out the thought of going to special places.

15. What makes me happy:
Pretty much anything that could hit me in a positive way. I’m not really choosy.

16. What makes me glad:
A good joke, spending time with friends, receiving splendid grades; things like that. Oh, and not to forget, I really enjoy good food!

17. What makes me really angry:
Idiocy is one thing but violently defending it and being absolutely advice-resistant is another. General unfriendliness is also somewhere at the top of this list.

18. What I don't want to miss:
Family, friends, and happiness.

19. What never can miss on a good party:
I'm really not that much of a party-person. Free food, however is a reason for me to go. Because, let's face it, who doesn't like free things?

20. Favorite car:

21. What / Whom I would take with me to an isolated island:
A survival kit.

22. With what can you make me lucky:
The optimist in myself says: everything.

23. Biggest wish:
The invention of a time machine to travel to the future and bring their technology to the past to accelerate the scientific development (do that recursively and things become really awesome).

24. Statement to LF-EMPIRE:
LFE introduced me to the many possibilities LF2 possesses, and has motivated me to stay in the community to help others and learn from them. By now, LFE has become a little part mine. So to say, I feel a bit like I have some responsibility for this website, too ;)


 1. Name / Nicname
HC thought its a fake name, but Marshall is my real name. I am sometimes also known as Marsh00ki Fantini Moton because of the 3 brothers I have got, who are tan00ki, Evil Sonidow and TravoisNero respectively.

2. Date of Birth
4th of June

3. Place of Residence:
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. Pretty much the central hub of Hong Kong and I love it. Though I am also going to be in London by October 2007 to further my studies.

4. Hair- / Eye-Color:
Hair: Short, spikey and black
Eyes: Typical Asian black (kinda boring)

5. Hobbies:
As with MH and Sinow, I love programming LF2 as well, though I am no where near their level. Music wise, I share the afore mentioned two's instruments, which are the piano and violin. Cross-Country is the real meat for me, though I also enjoy swimming, casual games of soccer and water polo.

6. Profession Desire:
It might change in the future, but so far, I'd love to do some environmental biology.

7. Self-Assessment:
I am probably not the clever or talented type, but once I have my mind on a certain goal, I will work hard to compensate for it. My friends tell me that I am very "pure" of heart and is always straight to the point, which could be interpreted as a nice way of saying naive and blunt. But hey... everything's double sides, right?

8. Outer characteristics:
As far as I know, I don't look particularly interesting. Probably average in height for Asians and shorter than the mean height of Europeans. I am extremely pumped up for the lower half of my body because of all the running and cross-country, and the differnece with the upper body is quite obvious.

9. Characteristics of behaviour:
I am not very good at having conversations, especially with close friends. All I can talk about is the weather, how hungry or how tired I am. But I would not hesitate to help when my friends are in trouble. I also have the tendency to take tendency to take things too seriously and being cheeky at the wrong place and wrong time.

10. Favourite music:
I do not always listen to popular music, though I have recently decided to and found that the music from Evanescence really appeals to me. My usual favourite is JS Bach and Claude Debussy.

11. Favourite film / film genre:
Guess that depends on the mood as well. For now, it's Spider Man 3

12. Pets:
I don't have pets, though I'd love to have one, preferably a rough collie or an arctic fox =)

13. Books:
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Classic.

14. Where I would like to spend my vacations:
The poles. I'd love to see killer whales, moon whales, harp seals, artic foxes, polar bears and penguins in the wild. I am sure the ice-caps and glaciers are also a site to be in awe with.

15. What makes me happy:
Helping with others, achieving something that I haven't been able to do. Good food in general, loads of free time... Yep, pretty random.

16. What makes me glad:
When my family is happy.

17. What makes me really angry:
Probably when someone breaks their serious promises. That has only happened once in my life and hopefully I won't have to bear the pain again.

18. What I don't want to miss:
Family, friends and time.

19. What never can miss on a good party:
A bottle of red.

20. Favourite car:
No idea yet o.o

21. What / Whom I would take with me to an isolated island:
Probably a racoon to keep me occupied. A computer would be cool as well with internet connection if that is possible XD

22. With what can you make me lucky:
Well... I guess I am lucky to have good education, friends, shelter, health and food. However, I get into all sorts of accidents and I have a track record which spells bad luck in important competitions or exams or whatever occasions.

23. Biggest wish:
Have a peaceful family, be able to do something useful to the environment and biodiversity.

24. Statement to LF-EMPIRE:
I came into the community as a complete rookie almost 5 years ago... The game just got me glued and I created a website called LF2 Unlimited which specialized in LF2 modifications, which was the first of its kind. It crashed because I used my own computer to host it and I was unfortunate enough to get infected by a virus.
I came back to LF2 in 2006 and came across LFE. It reminded me very much of my old site, though it is much more diverse and the scale is way bigger than I could have imagined. Captivated like a moth to fire, I first aided MH in getting the right credits, then with more accurate information. Then I joined the LFE forums and the LFE team. Now I help with various stuff as well, but my strength probably lies in contacts.

1. Name / Nicname
Well, I go by Sinow or Sinow Rappy in various forums, but my real name is Tyko.

2. Date of Birth
16th February 1990

3. Place of Residence:
Bellevue, Washington. In the Northwestern part of the United States, along the Pacific rim.

4. Hair- / Eye-Color:
Hairs: really dark brown, some people think its black.
Eyes: a unique shade of brown.

5. Hobbies:
Well, playing and programming LF2 of course. I also like to practice Aikido, play the violin, studying Japanese and various other things.

6. Profession Desire:
I still have no idea. I've thought about going into game programming, but I'm not so sure. I'll definitely do something that has to do with mathematics or science.

7. Self-Assessment:
Well, I consider myself kinda shy, but I'm working on changing that. Lots of people tell me that I'm smart and while that may be true, I'm also extremely lazy and I don't study as much as I should.

8. Outer characteristics:
I'm average height, kinda skinny... Not much else to say really.

9. Characteristics of behaviour:
Well, I tend to mumble a lot. I generally have an optimistic view on things and I try to help people whenever I can.

10. Favourite music:
I like all kinds of music(well, except country), but mostly, I like groups like Rage Against the Machine and I'm starting to like classical music a lot.

11. Favourite film / film genre:
Hmm... I like action movies, but only if they have a decent story. I like movies with a message and with a some humor.

12. Pets:
Well, my family has some fish and a cat, even though I'm allergic

13. Books:
Hmm.. Probably one of my favorite books is Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. It's pretty cool.

14. Where I would like to spend my vacations:
I have always been interested in Asian cultures, but since I've been to Japan already, I think I'd like to travel to Europe.

15. What makes me happy:
I dunno, it just kinda randomly hits me sometimes, lol. I think helping other people gives me the most satisfaction.

16. What makes me glad:
Lots of things. My friends, learning (sometimes), and eating delicious food!

17. What makes me really angry:
Hmm... My family seems to be very good at making me really angry sometimes
I think being ignored really upsets me.

18. What I don't want to miss:
My friends and family.

19. What never can miss on a good party:
Hmm.. I'm not really a party person, yet. Too busy with school

20. Favourite car:
Well, I can't drive yet and I'm not really into cars, so I'm not sure. Any stick shift that looks awesome goes really fast sounds good to me!

21. What / Whom I would take with me to an isolated island:
Well, I wouldn't take anyone with me, why should they suffer? Living on an island with me? Sounds like torture
I would bring a knife, some books, clothes and some blankets. That should allow me to sustain myself..

22. With what can you make me lucky:
I am lucky!

23. Biggest wish:
I wish that we can create and sustain a society that solves disagreements in a peaceful way.

24. Statement to LF-EMPIRE:
Well, LF-Empire forums were the reason that I came back to LF2, so I want to do everything I can to help make LFE the best LF2 Fansite ever! It has been great working with MH-Razen and I am honored to be able to help him with his wonderful site.
alt 1. Name / Nicname
My nicname is MH-Razen, MH are my initials - Matthias Hilger.

2. Date of Birth
27th September 1987

3. Place of Residence:
Deggendorf, a small town (30.000 inhabitants) in Bavaria/Germany. Also Karlsruhe, I study chemistry there.

4. Hair- / Eye-Color:
Hairs: dark brown
Eyes: grey or blue, not sure...

5. Hobbies:
Oh, I've quite a lot of hobbies: programming (LF2-DC and website coding, especially LF-EMPIRE), making music (I play the piano and the flute myself), swimming, going by bike, reading books, listening to music, astronomy, chemistry...

6. Profession Desire:
I study industrial engineering, looks like my job will have to do something with this...

7. Self-Assessment:
Oh, well, I know I've high claims to others, and if nothing goes forward I'll be impatient. But I also know I'm quite a listener - at least a few people told me I am...

8. Outer characteristics:
Hm, well, I'm very tall, have a dozen bracelets on my arm and a scar on the left site of my head - but you just see it if my hair are cut short...
And before I forget; I've endless long eyelashes and every month somebody ask me if I glue them (last time: no!).

9. Characteristics of behaviour:
I think I watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" to often, at least I walk a bit strange, apart from that I'm quite normal (but what's normal?), I just need some time for me...

10. Favourite music:
Every time somebody asks me this question I wonder what I should answer, classic is ok, sometimes it's boring, romantically music or film music is great, and modern music, well, I like some groups or singers, but I never commit on one...

11. Favourite film / film genre:
Action!!! Films like James Bond or the Chinese Martial Arts (ok, Jackie Chan is a bit old, but there're lots of other films in this way) are just genius!

12. Pets:
Nothing bigger then 5 inches... - else? Well, some loyal spider families live behind my bed, but all ancestors who visited me never went back!

13. Books:
I prefer endless sequences of books - Harry Potter and stuff like this, where you need one year to read it (ok, I read HP 6 in just three days ). But it's to bad I don't have much time to read...

14. Where I would like to spend my vacations:
I would love to visit Israel, but it's quite dangerous there sometimes. So I would prefer my lonely island (which is already discovered, to bad) somewhere in the ocean, I don't even need huge hotels, I prefer smaller hotels...

15. What makes me happy:
A surprise I absolutely didn't expect!

16. What makes me glad:
About quite a lot of things, a nice day, a good piece of work, a meeting with my friends...

17. What makes me really angry:
Impoliteness, unreliability, unpunctuality

18. What I don't want to miss:
My family and my very best friends!

19. What never can miss on a good party:
Even if I still prefer a good conversation (for people which read my older profile) my opinion on parties changed: you definitly need good drinks (touchdown or so) and a girl which celebrate with you - best untill morning comes...

20. Favourite car:
Aston Martin Vanquish

21. What / Whom I would take with me to an isolated island:
Whom? My best friends. What? Well, hammer, saw, knife, a whetstone and a rope should be enough to stay alive, more? Hm... maybe the books from "Lord of the Rings", I didn't read them yet...

22. With what can you make me lucky:
Oh, that's more difficult, I'm happy quite often, but really lucky - not so often. Bit there're some persons, I don't know how they do this, but almost every word they say makes me lucky...

23. Biggest wish:
A good live - a good job, a family and my own house.

24. Statement to LF-EMPIRE:
I started very small three years ago - and now...
I just wanted to create a site where you can find everything about Little Fighter - because all other sites I know also deal with some other games or so. LF-EMPIRE shouldn't be like this - I think I'm quite successful with this, and with Sam-Host I also found a good host...

Since the 24th July 2004 I have my own homepage - but at this time it looked different and had another domain. It wanted to create a site about Little Fighter where you can find everything about the game - but at this time I was far away from my target. In december 2004 I decided to recreate the whole site. The name changed to "Little Fighter - EMPIRE".
At 1st january 2005 I opened LF2-EMPIRE - at least programmatic, because at this time I just finished the design. But since this time, I create updates almost every day, mostly new downloads and tutorials, there's always something new about this. The 1st august I opened LF1-EMPIRE, at 1st december LFO-EMPIRE followed. At the 18th january 2006 I also opened an own forum about Little Fighter and since this time it devoloped to my satisfaction.
But a site large like this is hard to manage alone. For this reason, I'm very happy that I have great webhost on the one hand, on the other hand I'm happy about the guys helping me out whereever they can. First of all Sinow, who take over the responsibiity for Little Fighter - EMPIRE when I'm away, and all other members from the LFE-Team, some of them did great jobs for LFE or are moderators.
So on the whole it looks like my dream of the ultimate LF-Site came true, especially if you believe in statistics. Since LFE is the only real fansite having a link on the official Homepage of Little Fighter (thanks to Marti Wong) I've like 1000 to 1200 visitors a day from more then 100 countries!!! Even in future we guys from the LFE-Team will do everything to keep up the high standard of the site so that you have fun with Little Fighter!

01.04.2007, MH-Razen

Now we did it - the old html version "Little Fighter - EMPIRE v7.0 ~ your resource for Data Changing Question ~" is gone and we created a new version with JoomlaCMS called "Little Fighter - EMPIRE v8.0 Next Generation ~ all you need ~". The old version was deleted on Saturday, 06.10.2007 - 1.05 am GMT+2. But this site isn't done yet. Our next project is to create a fileplanet based on free filehosts and a topsite system. Sure we'll also care about new downloads and tutorials during this time.
But we've also other great plans: A LF2 Starterkit with basic informations for newcomers to LF2, Marshall works together with U1 Technology to create an english homepage of LFO (the english version will be realesed in december or january) and we've another large and secret project - we'll see what we can do about this.
Well, I just attached a few images below so you can see the old layouts of my websites, some are kinda funny...
Long live Little Fighter - EMPIRE!!

06.10.2007, MH-Razen

Ten months passed and quite a lot of stuff changed: the old forum now compleatly crashed - accounts had errors daily and after we hesitated a long we time we dicided to move from Danethical (still thanks to ethix for all the stuff he did for us) to MyBB-Forumsoftware which opened new possibilities to us. Now we could modify the forums so we're prepared for LF2-Tournaments - everybody who wants to take part in the fight for the title "LFE-Champion" is welcome.
After ten months the mainsite finally have a blue theme again. Thanks a lot to BluePhoenix who helped out with the graphics.
It looks like LFE is now the only large Fansite left in the english network, since LFForever merged with Game4Fans a long time ago and this site is also down now. Also the official site and the forum isn't that active, but I hope it'll be revived when Marti releases the new version of LF2 (probably LF2v2.0 Final, a few new tools but no new characters).
That's all from my site, I hope you'll also have fun visiting this site in future...

06.08.2008, MH-Razen

After 3.5 years full of work Little Fighter - EMPIRE is one of the largest LF-Fansites in the world. On sunday 24th august I got the greatest thank I can get for this from Marti Wong: Now we're also the "Official Little Fighter Fansite".

24.08.2008, MH-Razen

© Little Fighter Empire

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