This is made for foreign LFO players that don’t live in Hong Kong.
Here are the requirements: Credit cards (only Visa or MasterCard) and Yahoo account (the settings must be at least 18 years old or you won't be able to purchase any cards).
120 HK $ = ~17 US $
(It works out to about 3 bucks roughly per pack US)
120 HK $ = 30 Cards
60 HK $ = 15 Cards
20 HK $ = 5 Cards
1 Pack = 5 cards or it should (Be wary, I got a pack with 4 cards)
You buy cards in packs, not individually, which means you have to buy 5 at a time. On the first screen, you'll have a number list. What it is ACTUALLY asking you is how many packs of cards, or sets of 5, you want to buy. Each pack costs you 20 HK $. Hopefully you're still with me, it gets worse and way more confusing.
What you purchase are not physical cards, but codes. Confused? Well, these codes are like passwords for unlocking things in the game.
First off, choose how many packs you wish to purchase, you can buy up to 20 packs at a time. Then you’ll be faced with 2 options. The top one is to purchase the packs with a credit card, the bottom one is to use something you purchase in a convenient store in Hong Kong (not very convenient is it?).
Ok, you will have to translate this next screen, but don't worry, I'm going to include a link for that as well. Enter in all your credit information (the second line is for the credit card number). The one with 6 digits is asking for a phone number, your phone number must be 9 digits long and looks like this (123-456-7890). You'll notice it's enclosed in brackets and the numbers are connected with a dash. It must be exactly like that or it will keep giving you an error. Mind you the phone number was meant for Hong Kong residents, so ignore its formatting, use the one I suggest. Hit the "Continue" button once you're done.
Alright, now you'll go through a slew of confirmations, basically telling you what you bought. You might even get transferred to an English version of the credit information page, if you do, just fill everything out again and press "Continue". Once you're done confirming, it'll take you to "MyCards", which shows you what cards were in the pack(s) you bought.
If you're lucky, you should have all your cards. Characters are rare, skills are rare, items are not rare, summons (a.k.a books) are mid-rare. To give you an idea of how stupid their system is... I got over 45 cards and only ONE was a character. Chances are you'll have to trade with someone to get the character you want, and their skills. The problem you have now is no one speaks English, so you're so out of luck. The best chances, for me, is to purchase at least 10 packs each time, it seems that rare cards are more common if you purchase them in groups of 10 rather than groups of 20.