LF1 Articles
Data Changing
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- Parent Category: LF1-EMPIRE
- Hits: 31010
By Bat Tamer
LF1 and any text editing program
I've found out a way to customize a character to make it a homemade one.
This guide will give you all the possible combinations in an easy way.
Well,it's too hard for me to make special move summon weapons except for
When u open the folder that says "sys". Open the data.dat with your text
editing program. You'll see this:
1. Davis
Head: 1
Face: 1 1
Skn: 83 81
Sht: 1 3
Trs: 91 93
Sp: A 61 43 12 0 1 25
C 46 44 0 0 15 50
B 63 64 65 66 2 175
Head: your characters face. you can choose up to 11 different heads
Face: the colors of your characters face.
Skn: the colors of your char's skin color
sht: the colors of your characters shirt
trs: the color of your char's pants
Sp: the numbers mean the frames of a special move but the letters allow
a possible combination. The five I recommend are A,B,C,D,E (see below)
A : ← → →
B : → ↓ ↑
C : → ← → original special move for people with this combiantion
D : J → → A
E : ↑ ↓ ← →
F : char comes with special weapon press attack to use special effect of
weapon only for the owner
G : with special weapon press attack for beam
H : → ← → summon weapon
Color guide:
Peach 83 81
Red 33 34
Black 10 10
Blue 1 3
Green 98 99
Purple 48 49
Yellow 67 68
Orange 145 146
White 15 100
Tan 82 81
Special moves:
Julian 52 53 0 0 25 25
Davis 61 43 12 0 1 25
Dennis 32 26 20 0 1 25
Firen 108 120 16 0 1 25
Freeze 96 43 18 0 1 50
Rudolf 32 26 3 0 1 50
John 104 105 14 0 1 25
John-disc 101 102 103 0 16 75
Woody 35 68 13 0 1 25
Dennis 94 99 95 100 14 175
Julian 54 43 26 0 1 50
Davis 63 64 65 66 2 175
Woody 71 72 0 0 5 175
Louis 77 78 0 0 8 100
Louis-air 73 74 0 0 6 75
Freeze-wpn 109 110 0 0 19 100
Louis-palm 35 75 76 0 7 150
Henry-palm 81 43 17 0 22 125
Henry-flute 79 80 0 0 9 150
Julian-explosion 55 56 0 0 13 125
John-chargeup 106 107 0 0 17 200
Deep-explosion 85 86 0 0 10 125
Freeze-whirlwind 111 112 113 114 18 150
Firen-blaze 90 91 92 0 12 175
Firen-explosion 101 102 103 0 16 75
Davis-catch 46 44 0 0 15 50
Woody-teleport 69 70 0 0 4 25
Rudolf-invisible 115 116 0 0 20 125
Rudolf-teleport 32 26 3 0 1 50
Dennis-catch 97 98 0 0 15 50
I'll give you an example:
note: this wont enhance characters ability, only the looks.
10. Assassin Rudolf
Head: 10
Face: 6 1
Skn: 10 10
Sht: 15 100
Trs: 109 110
Sp: B 117 118 119 0 21 25
A 32 26 3 0 1 50
E 115 116 0 0 20 125
The numbers are up to you to figure out what they stand for.