Make your enemies fight for you!
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With this team change method, you do not have to delete the original character and create a clone, the character actually switches teams. However, this method requires you to edit all of the LF2 characters so it is really only useful in a mod. Basically, you give the caught character the weapon_on_ground state and then have the catching character pick up the weapon with itr/kind: 7. So first you need to make a copy of the picked_caught frame of each character and give it a new body at y: 2000 and state: 1004:

<frame> 310 picked_caught
   pic: 53  state: 1004  wait: 3  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79
   hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 41  y: 39
      fronthurtact: 132 backhurtact: 131
      kind: 1  x: 31  y: 56  weaponact: 30  attacking: 0  cover: 0
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 14  w: 28  h: 66
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 2000  w: 28  h: 66

In the catching frames of the character with the team change move replace the vaction: with the number of the frame you just created, in this case I chose to use frame 310. Now you need to duplicate this frame and add an itr/kind: 7 with y: 2000 and an itr/kind: 3. You can then have the character go to another frame to opoint the "I Join You" text. Now add an input in frame 121 of your character. I recommend making the input something that ends in "attack" so that the weapon will automatically be grabbed when the character goes to the next frame.

<frame> 121 catching
   pic: 50  state: 9  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79 
   hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0  hit_ja: 300
      kind: 1  x: 61  y: 39
      vaction: 310  aaction: 122  taction: -232  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 0  
      throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: -7
      kind: 1  x: 57  y: 40  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

<frame> 300 catching
   pic: 50  state: 9  wait: 0  next: 301  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79
   hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0  hit_ja: 300
      kind: 1  x: 61  y: 39
      vaction: 310  aaction: 122  taction: -232  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1
      throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: -7
      kind: 3  x: 57  y: 40  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 7  x: 61  y: 2000  w: 20  h: 50
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

<frame> 301 catching
   pic: 50  state: 9  wait: 0  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79
   hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0  hit_ja: 300
      kind: 1  x: 61  y: 39
      vaction: 310  aaction: 122  taction: -232  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1
      throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: -7
      kind: 1  x: 61  y: 79  action: 6  oid: 998  facing: 10
      kind: 3  x: 57  y: 40  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

The only bad part about this is that for some reason the caught character cannot be hurt. If this bothers you, you can keep the original vaction in frame 121 and have an input that goes to the team change frame. The team change frame should have vaction: 310, next: 121 and pressing attack should lead to the frames shown above.

Here's a study example:

Team Change

Inspired by Windmill

© Little Fighter Empire