Original Tutorial, written by YinYin
ive had another fusion sample earlier - based on darklords (XIII) "fusion thoughts" which i implemented with a tricky use of state 13 into the running frames of a justin so he could fuse to julian with another justin but that included deleting one of both - and the fusion was endless (unlike the original firzen one)
so now with blunas new possession move i was able to make a fusion that does not delete the second character and which is also limited (to 1000 time units in this sample) - it also keeps the weapons of both characters and since this is specific for two characters i was able to get rid of all the bugs i still have in blunas move
Template-Fusion |
the red and the blue template fuse to the violett one - one of both has to run into the other while he is using DJA - they need to be on the same team - the one that used DJA will gain control of the fusion - you can split it up earlier with DJA - if your teammate is a computer, call him with DJDJ and then use DJA
i intend to use this fusion in a slightly varied form for frozen (combining with the justin one so both have to run) So now that I released it on the official forums I'll try to take my time explaining it here.
*scratching head* now where to start ...
ill put up a list to sort myself >.<
1. getting teammates to catch each other - and block that for enemies
2. transforming one into the fused character and hiding the other one
3. splitting up
4. other important stuff
this should be known already - but i will still explain it since i couldnt be bothered of getting rid of the smoke and making it with running only the whole thing starts off with one of both characters doing a move which activates a waiting frame (DJA - frame 126)
126 wait
pic: 48 state: 8 wait: 1 next: 128 ...
kind: 0 x: 0 y: 7016 w: 80 h: 65
128 wait
pic: 48 state: 18 wait: 11 next: 999 ...
kind: 3 x: 5 y: 70016 w: 25 h: 65
catchingact: 124 124 caughtact: 130 130
kind: 0 x: 0 y: 7016 w: 80 h: 65
the important part of this move is the itr kind 3 in frame 128 - since that frame has the state 18 it will be able to catch a teammate - the y70016 is used to ensure that it will only catch the other char in a frame where he has a bdy at that point - which is in all three of his running frames
9 running
kind: 0 x: 25 y: 70019 w: 38 h: 60
kind: 0 x: 25 y: 7019 w: 50 h: 60 injury: 0 fall: 0
so now one character is able to wait for and catch a teammate to make sure that this doesnt happen btw enemies i added a bdy in the waiting frames which can only be hit by an enemies itr with the same y value - that itr is also in all three running frames - and to get nobody to press DJA at the right time so that the itr kind 3 would act before the bdy is hit i have the security frame 126 without the itr before that (it might still happen that two enemies fuse but its very very unlikely) so if the itr in the running frames hits the bdy the waiting move will be stopped and we successfully stopped enemies from fusing
to get it to work vice versa all the values are just changed and added to the other char (using 8 instead of 7 so that CHAR-1 will only be able to fuse with CHAR-2 and not with another CHAR-1 aswell)
126 wait
pic: 48 state: 8 wait: 1 next: 128 ...
kind: 0 x: 0 y: 8016 w: 80 h: 65
128 wait
pic: 48 state: 18 wait: 11 next: 999 ...
kind: 3 x: 5 y: 80016 w: 25 h: 65
catchingact: 124 124 caughtact: 130 130
kind: 0 x: 0 y: 8016 w: 80 h: 65
9 running
kind: 0 x: 25 y: 80019 w: 38 h: 60
kind: 0 x: 25 y: 8019 w: 50 h: 60 injury: 0 fall: 0
2. the first part of this is really easy - the catching itr leads to frame 124 - that puts the caught char into an invisible state 3005 frame (399) - then it goes to a frame that transforms the char into the fused character with state 8000 (id 59 in this case)
124 fuse
pic: 50 state: 9 wait: 0 next: 125 ...
kind: 1 x: 61 y: 39
vaction: 399 throwvx: 8 throwvy: -3
125 fuse
pic: 50 state: 8059 wait: 0 next: 0 ...
the hidden character has a wait of 1000 in frame 399 which is the time limit for the fusion
399 dummy
pic: 399 state: 3005 wait: 1000 next: 398 ...
kind: 8 x: 0 y: 780 w: 80 h: 500 dvx: 399 injury: 500
an so that the name of that character doesnt stay there distracting other npcs i added a kind 8 itr with a large height (so that it still works when the character jumps) - the fused character therefore needs a special bdy in every frame so that it doesnt follow any other character
kind: 0 x: 0 y: 780 w: 80 h: 500
this part is the same in both fusing characters
3. splitting up will happen after the time is up - the hidden char will go to a new frame (398) frame 398 has state 401 - this doesn not only ensure that the hidden character will somewhen get to his fused teammate in case he isnt - but it will also reset his y position which would otherwise be too high due to my crappy "as-short-and-fast-as-possible" cpoint work i did before now that the position to the fused char is right it moves towards him with dvx 100 in frame 397 to catch him and force him into a frame that transforms him back - the hidden char itself reappears in an injured frame (which also happens to both chars in the original firzen fusion)
397 dummy
pic: 399 state: 18 wait: 0 next: 398 dvx: 100 ...
kind: 3 x: 0 y: 716 w: 80 h: 65
catchingact: 222 222 caughtact: 380 380
398 dummy
pic: 399 state: 401 wait: 1 next: 397 dvx: 0 ...
the caughtact in CHAR-1 is 370 so that the fused char always transforms back to what it actually was before
370 dummy
pic: 399 state: 8700 ...
380 dummy
pic: 399 state: 8800 ...
but the hidden char will also go to the new frame if the fused char does a move (DJA - frame 118) this is a simple itr kind 8 activation which doesnt need any further explanation
118 split
pic: 0 state: 15 wait: 0 next: 999 ...
kind: 8 x: 0 y: 800080 w: 80 h: 80
399 dummy
pic: 399 state: 3005 wait: 1000 next: 398 ...
kind: 8 x: 0 y: 800080 w: 80 h: 80 dvx: 398 injury: 500
so now the new fusion is already finished - but i would still like to add a few things which you should not forget
4. -first of all since im using lots of state 8000s in here you should not forget to have the second set of sprites in all three chars >.< -second you should know that you can "hide" a weapon aswell if you put its wpoint action to a frame that doesn exist (eg 300) - this is usefull in the hidden frames so that the character that doesn gain control of the fusion still has his weapon when they split up again (and you wont see it following the fused char ...) -the last thing you should know is that the whole thing can still get pretty messed up if you have more than one fusion on screen ...