u can use references from louis r-catch frames
kind: 3 etc etc
this gives a immediate grabbing (meaning it dun need the enemies to go into a
pain of dance mode to grab them)
calculate the x: y: w: h: so that ur tonge would hit them
(u cant grab multi enemies at a goal)
catchingact: (frame number) (frame number)
this is what frames would ur char goes to once ur char do the catching
(the first one is catching the front of ur enemy)
(the second one is catching the back of your enemy)
caughtact: (frame number) (frame number)
this is what frame ur enemy char goes to once he was catch (please note that
the enemy char frames need a cpoint so the catching would be link)
(the first one is catching the front of ur enemy)
(the second one is catching the back of your enemy)
(check out picked_caught frames of any char for the info)
more into catch point
kind: 1 x: 64 y: 38
injury: 15 vaction: 132 throwvz: -842150451 hurtable: 1
throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 3
cpoint found on the char who do the itr_kind: 3
vaction: - the frame action the enemy is activating
aaction: (not found on this but I dun mind explaining more) the frame number
it goes to once hit the a button
throwvz,throwinjury?? (dunno what it is for, for this frame)
injury: do damage while grabbing (worls with state: 9 only)
taction: (not found on this but I dun mind explaining more) the frame number
it goes to once u throw the enemy
decrease: 3, -7 etc
I only use decrease 3 and -7
they both had an effect of what happen to the enemy once the catch duration
use up
3 would make the enemy goes to the jump frame 211
-7 would make the enemy goes to the falling frame 181
throwvx (not found on this) the throw distance of the x-axis
throwvy (not found on this) the throw distance of the y-axis
throwinjury (the damage do on throwing, if the enemy hit the fall the enemy
char would take that amount of damage)
frame 120 of any chars (for catching and attacking)
frame 232 of any chars (for throwing)
louis c-throw frames
DarkLord's Catching-Point Tutorial
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- Parent Category: LF2-EMPIRE
- Hits: 5590