Because there are so many people which ask things about data changing, I'll 
answer some of the most common questions in here. Please read this before
asking a question in this section, it may be in this tread already.

Well, at first you’ll need a data changer. You can download it from the
download section.

1: I'm making an attack for my new character, but the character somehow
disappears and I can see his shadow only!

Answer: There could be a couple of problems... The first option is that you
putted a next: XXX somewhere (XXX means any possible number), but the frame
number (XXX) doesn't exist.
The second option is when you put wrong information at the top of your
character. I'll take template for exemple:

file(0-69): sprite\template1\0.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7
file(70-139): sprite\template1\1.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7

In sprite 0 are 70 sprites total. The first sprite is pic: 0 and the last
sprite pic: 69. Sprite 1 end with pic: 139. Whenever you replace your pic
number with something more then pic: 139 it will be invisible (because it
doesn't exist!)

2: While playing with my changed character, it completely disappears like
it have never exist!

Answer: This problem is usually caused when you used next: 1000. Next: 1000
is used in ball data too, it causes disappearing.

3: How to make a ball chase the enemy?

Answer: It’s rather easy. Go to your ball data file and change the hit_d,
hit_j and hit_a, then add hit_Fa. The numbers next to these are like this:

Hit_a: Hit_a controls the time your ball will chase. Hit_a: 7 makes it chase
the enemy as long as dennis’ chase. If you want an ultra long chase,
give it a high number and many frames.
Hit_d: The frame number it will jump to when the timer runs out. Like this:

<frame> 1 flying
pic: 1 state: 3000 wait: 1 next: 2 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 centerx: 41 centery: 41
hit_a: 7 hit_d: 1 hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 2
<frame> 2 flying
pic: 1 state: 3000 wait: 1 next: 3 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 centerx: 41 centery: 41
hit_a: 7 hit_d 2 hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 2

Hit_j: Hit_j controls how much the ball moves (diagonally)
Hit_Fa: To activate the chase effect, make it 2.

4: How to add a new attack?

Answer: It’s difficult when you just started, but when you’re used to data
changing, it only takes about one minute. First of all, you’ll have to make
frames in your CHARACTER data. Let’s say you created something like this:

<frame> 240 blast
pic: 78 state: 3 wait: 1 next: 241 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 50
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0 mp: 75
sound: data\043.wav
kind: 1 x: 66 y: 43 weaponact: 34 attacking: 0 cover: 1 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 32 y: 9 w: 30 h: 72
kind: 0 x: 18 y: 39 w: 38 h: 12

<frame> 241 blast
pic: 79 state: 3 wait: 1 next: 242 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 48
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
sound: data\007.wav
kind: 1 x: 63 y: 40 weaponact: 35 attacking: 0 cover: 1 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 32 y: 11 w: 31 h: 70
kind: 0 x: 21 y: 21 w: 44 h: 15

<frame> 242 blast
pic: 88 state: 3 wait: 2 next: 243 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 20
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 1 x: 32 y: 57 weaponact: 22 attacking: 0 cover: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 39 y: 31 w: 36 h: 48 dvx: 10 fall: 25 bdefend: 30 injury: 15
effect: 1
kind: 0 x: 5 y: 15 w: 32 h: 66

<frame> 243 blast
pic: 89 state: 3 wait: 1 next: 244 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 25
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 1 x: 79 y: 53 action: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 oid: 400 facing: 0
kind: 1 x: 35 y: 57 weaponact: 21 attacking: 0 cover: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 10 y: 15 w: 32 h: 65

As you can see, the first frame number of this move is 240. Then go to your
standing frames. Chose your input for the move (hit_Fa means D>A, hit_Fj means
D>J, hit_Ua means D^A, hit_Uj means D^J, hit_Da means DvA and hit_Dj means
DvJ). Lets say we use hit_Fa. Add hit_Fa: 240 to all of your standing frames
and do the same thing for your first defend frame. Like this:

<frame> 1 standing
pic: 1 state: 0 wait: 4 next: 2 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 37
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 240
x: 36 y: 35
kind: 1 x: 21 y: 54 weaponact: 23 attacking: 0 cover: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 21 y: 18 w: 43 h: 62

Okay, you added the input. The most important step is done… You’ll be done
normally, but if you want to add a ball/beam, there’s more to do:

Create your attack (ball data). Then go to data.txt (data folder) and scroll
down. You need to give an id to your move. Oid is the thing that makes you
able to shoot a ball. It’s used in opoint (Oid is opoint id!). I used
oid: 400, so make it like this:

id: 400 type: 3 file: data\(move data name).dat

Now you’re completely done with your ball ^_^

5: I made new sprites for my character, but whenever I try to start my LF2,
the background is black!

Answer: Actually, this isn’t a data changing problem. But since it’s asked more
then once in here, I’ll tell you. This is really easy:

Open up a sprite editing program. Take your paint bucket tool and use 100%
black for the background (code 000000). It will work now. But if it still
doesn’t work... You should try to save your files as a 24bit bmp file. It
should work this time then ^_^.

6: How can I change the stage mode bosses?

Answer: Okay, this is too easy. In data.txt, there are a few id numbers of
stage bosses. Go to your stage.dat, and find the part you want to change
(The boss of stage 5-5 is Julian). You see this:

<phase> bound: 2200
id: 52 hp: 2500 <boss>
id: 1000 hp: 250 times: 3 ratio: .2 <soldier>
id: 33 hp: 150 x: -1000 <soldier> times: 7 ratio: .4
id: 34 hp: 100 x: -1000 <soldier> times: 13 ratio: .6
id: 33 hp: 150 x: -1000 <soldier> times: 13
id: 31 hp: 50 x: -1000 <soldier> times: 7
id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 13 ratio: .5
id: 37 hp: 200 <soldier> times: 7
id: 39 hp: 150 x: -1000 <soldier>
id: 39 hp: 150 x: -1000 <soldier> ratio: .4

Change the id number to 51 and you’ll get Firzen, change it to 50 and you’ll
get LouisEX, etc.

7: How to use Rudolf’s +man on other characters?

Answer: Well... There are a few problems with this ^_^ It’s possible for 2
characters only: Rudolf and Julian. Ofcource you’re able to make clones of
yourself this way, but they will have 500 hp and it will be realy overpowered.
Though if you want to know how to make a 500 hp clone, this is the way:

At first, follow the answer of question 4 (adding a new attack!). When you
did this, go to one of your frames (let’s say the last frame of your attack
looks best) and place this line in it:

kind: 1 x: 40 y: 79 action: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 oid: ? facing: 20

You’re done. A truly overpowered attack have been made

8: How can I change how long Rudolf’s invisibility lasts?

Answer: It's possible. There’s only one little thing you have to change.

This is the LAST frame of Rudolf’s disappear attack:

<frame> 257 disappear
pic: 84 state: 15 wait: 1 next: 1280 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 41
centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 1 x: 46 y: 49 weaponact: 30 attacking: 0 cover: 1 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 21 y: 18 w: 43 h: 62

As you can see, it uses next: 1280. Make the number lower to make it last a
short while. Next: 1100 is the shortest disappearing you can get. But it’s
impossible to make it last longer (as long as you still want to be able to
see your character while playing ^^ I guess you don’t want it to be invisible

That’s it. Hope I helped you with this. It took me more then an hour to make
(I had to test something for the last piece of data ^_^)

PS: Don't ask questions in here please. For that, make a new tread.
Comments are always welcome, thank you.

By Xtreme-FighterX
© Little Fighter Empire