Backgrounds - Basic Information

If you note a picture or a colour-surface, you have to bear in mind, that the starting-point for the y-amount is the left upper corner of the whole LF2-window and not the lower edge of the status area . So the y-value have to be 108, if not, the picture will appear "under" this area. Further, you have to pay attention, that there’s the black bar with Level-notations from y-value 109 to 129, which appears also over the pictures. If you don’t want to risk something, make y: 126. The sum of y-value and the height of the picture should not be bigger then 550, because then you can’t see parts of the pictures.
For using a new background, you have to note the dat.-file at the end of the data.txt in the <Background> part; First, you need a new id-number (bigger then 12, because the other ones are used). After this you have to note the place and the name (.dat) in "file".

THERE’S A LAYER-FRAME-LIMIT AT 30 in v1.9 and v1.9c!!!


These information are always noted at the beginning of the dat.-files.

name: ...
Here, you can type in one world which should appear in the menu for the name. If you want to type two words, you have to connect them with a "_" instead of a space.
width: ...
Here, you have to note the length of the go-able area. Several picture-levels can be larger to make a additional 3D-Effect.
zboundary: ...
These two numbers mark the upper and the lower border of the go-able area. The first number state the number of pixel-points from the left upper corner untill the character can go, the second how far he can go to bottom.
shadow: ...
Here, the place of the shadow-picture "s", which belongs to this background, is saved.
shadowsize: ...
These two numbers give you the wide and the height of the shadow-picture "s" (mostly 37 9) in pixel-points. Shadow and Shadowsize are enough to make a shadow under the figures.

Backgrounds - Fixed Pictures

layer: ...
Beginning of the data about one picture.
Here, the place and the name (.bmp) of the picture (example: bg\sys\forestt.bmp – picture forestt.bmp (trees) is in the folders bg, sys and lf).
transparency: ...
If you used black in the picture which should be transparent, “transparency” is 1. If not, it’s 0.
width: ...
Here you write down the width of the picture-level. Pictures in the same level and which are listed one behind the other are in the same picture-level.
x: ...
y: ...
Here, the x- and the y-value of the point, the picture should appear, is noted.
Here, you can add loop, cc, c1 and c2.
End of data about one picture.

Backgrounds - Picture Repetition

loop: ...
If you want a picture (for example “forestt” from Lion Forest) to be repeated after a special distance of points, you have to add “loop”. This shows the number of points after the picture should be repeated.

Backgrounds - Picture Sequences

Here you can set, how long a picture should appear during a certain time-period. For doing this you have to add this part to the other "layer"-notations. To make it easier, 1/30 second is renamed to one (time) unit.
You can note one picture several times. So if you let appear a picture at a chain of points at time units follow one another, it looks like the object moves over the screen (the distance between the different points should not be to large). Time periods with cc = 12000 (400 Seconds) are possible.

cc: ...
c1: ...
c2: ...
"cc" is the length of the time-period in units. "c1" is the time in the period from which the picture should appear, "c2" until which the picture should appear. "c1" and "c2" could be the same (Look at Forbidden Tower), because "c1" reveres to beginning of the time-unit, "c2" to the end. 
Here an example; "cc: 14 c1: 0 c2:1" (Standley Prison), the time periode is 14 units. The noted picture appear from time 0 untill the end of the first unit (if you have 20 units, 0 is the first and 19 the last).
If you want to make a fire, it’s not enough to let appear and disappear a picture. First, you need more pictures of a fire. All these have to have the same x- and y-value (have to have the same size) and, in case this fire should burn at several places, the same "loop"-value. For calculate "cc", multiple the number of time units, the pictures should appear, with the number of pictures. "c1" of the first picture is always 0. If the picture should appear 2 units, the value of "c2" have to be 1 (Unit 1: 0-0,99; Unit 2: 1-1,99). For the next picture, the earliest time can only be 2 and so on. 

Backgrounds - Coloured Areas

layer: ...
Beginning of the data about one picture - here of a coloured area.
Random Picture, unimportant fir the coloured area but important so it work, usually the shadow-image of the background is used.
rect: ...
In backgrounds you can also add coloured areas while using rect-tag. These areas don't move like the other image-layers, they always stick on their absolute position. Rect set the colour of the area. YinYin created a tool where you can easily find out the rect-value you need:

Rect Colour Picker
x: ...
y: ...
X- and y-values of the point where the area should begin, left upper corner is x: 0 y: 0.
width: ...
height: ...
Width and Height of coloued area.
© Little Fighter Empire

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