Type 4 - Bmp-Part
<bmp_begin> | Begin Bmp-Part (See Type 0) |
file(#-#): | Number of Image (See Type 0) |
sprite\sys\... | Location of Image (See Type 0) |
w: ... h: ... |
Size of Images (See Type 0) |
row: ... col: ... |
Arrangement of Images (See Type 0) |
weapon_hit_sound: ... | If the weapon fall on the floor this sound is played. |
weapon_drop_sound: ... | If the weapon is destroyed this sound is played. |
weapon_broken_sound: ... | If the weapon is destroyed this sound is played. |
<bmp_end> | End Bmp-Part (See Type 0) |
Type 4 - Weapon Strength List
<w_s_l> | Start of Weapon Strength List (Original Tag: <weapon_strength_list>). With "attacking" in wpoint of the character, you activate a certain "entry" here. The itr-Tags noted there are combined with itr/kind: 5 in the on_hand frames and so you can vary the strength in different situations. |
entry: ... | Number of entry. If you use "attacking: 1" in wpoint entry 1 is activated (1 = Normal Weapon Attack, 2 = Jump Weapon Attack, 3 = Run Weapon Attack, 4 = Dash Weapon Attack). |
dvx: ... fall: ... vrest: ... bdefend: ... |
Itr-Tags (see itr/kind: 0). These tags replace the standard values in itr/kind: 5. |
<w_s_l_e> | End of Weapon Strength List (Original Tag: <weapon_strength_list>). |
Type 4 - Frame Header
<frame> | Start of the frame (See Type 0) |
pic: ... |
Number of the Image (See Type 0) |
state: ... | State of the Frame (See Type 0) |
wait: ... | Duration (See Type 0) |
next: ... | Next Frame (See Type 0) |
dvx: ... dvy: ... dvz: ... |
Like at the characters these tags can move the attack - but they don't get slower because of the gravity effect here. If you have a "dvx: 5" the ball moves with 5 Pixel per TU. It's the same with dvy - negative numbers bring the ball to the sky. dvz don't have a function in Type 3 and you can leave it out, the Z-Axis movement is done with "hit_j:". |
centerx: ... centery: ... |
In attacks, "Center" just notes a point in the middle of the ball - the shadow is shown under this point. The attack don't react on gravity, so it can also go under the ground - only the x-coordinate is relevant here. |
hit_a: ... hit_d: ... hit_j: ... |
Without function here! |
[...] | Here you can insert Frame Elements. |
<frame_end> | End of Frame. (See Type 0) |
<frame> 0 in_the_sky
These frames are used if the object fall down from sky or, if it hurt another object,
if it fall down on ground again.
<frame> 20-35 on_hand
If a character hold the weapon in his hand he activates these frames with "weaponact".
<frame> 40 throwing
If the weapon is thrown these frames are used.
<frame> 60 on_ground
If the weapon lies on the floor these frames are used.
<frame> 70 just_on_ground
Exact function unknown, no changes while deleting or editing these frames.