EXE Articles

Although data changing can be used to edit LF2 in many different ways, it does have its limits. There are many aspects of LF2 that cannot be modified with a data changer. In order to change the background color of the title screen or increase the number of stages in stage mode, you need to edit the lf2.exe file.

Generally, EXE Editing is only useful if you're making a complete mod or version. It allows you to give your modification a unique feel and new features. Editing the EXE file is considered by many to be much more difficult than data changing, but if you put some effort into it, it'll really increase the overall quality of your work.
LF2 Patcher
With this tool you can easily add several functions to the LF2.exe file without any hex editing knowledge. Colors, text, and stuff like that still have to be changed with a normal HEX-Editor, though.

Made by Silva
LF2 Patcher

LF2 CFG Patcher
With this Patcher you can easily use these CFGs and patch your LF2.exe.
1. Open the the cfg patcher
2. Click on the "Open Exe" button and browse to your lf2.exe
3. Click on the "Open Cfg" exe and browse to the cfg you want to patch on the exe.
   (Optional). You can edit the Cfg in the texbox below. 
4. Click on "Patch!" and you are finished. Congratulations.

Made by POtt
LF2 CFG Patcher
© Little Fighter Empire

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