1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.47 (43 Votes)
Made by:
Blue Phoenix
Let's be honest... The previous BG releases by BP were more of a middle-of-the-road-affair. Despite BP being one of two of the supreme lords of LFE with his top tier DC skillz and mad 3D artworks. But his backgrounds were... you know, painfully average, sub-par, nothing more than standard backgrounds with the odd quirk such as dynamic effects which is not particularly pioneering and lacked the punch that some may be looking for. Nothing really atrocious though, but not really something to wet your pants over either. But not this time... Spirit Trail promises to totally rock your sox. Just check out the BG man and you'll realise it's something that you can't help but approve.

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