Fileplanet Articles
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- Parent Category: LFE Fileplanet
- Hits: 17897
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.
(comment from MH-Razen: I myself downloaded LFO in 45 minutes with IDM. Without it, the download would have taken 9 hours to complete)
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- Parent Category: LFE Fileplanet
- Hits: 27657
What is the Mod Loader?
Because of the way Little Fighter 2 was made, it is very easy to modify.
The Little Fighter 2 Mod Loader is a modified exe which allows you to easily load up Llittle Fighter 2 Mods made by the community easily.
The mod loader utilizes special DLL's (Thanks to RaMMicHaeL) which allowst the images be stored in a PNG format.
This reduces the size of each mod since the PNG format is much smaller than the original BMP's used.
Sadly at the moment every mod has to be converted to work with the mod loader and this is being worked on at the moment.
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- Parent Category: LFE Fileplanet
- Hits: 92170
Having problems while installing characters, backgrounds, weapons, or other downloads?
Then make sure you followed the installation instructions from Readme.txt correctly !!!
If you did, then you can go here to read a tutorial about error analysis.
To open the downloads you need Winzip. You can download a trial version here. Principally, every download from Little Fighter – Empire has a readme file that explains how to install the download. Usually, instillation consists of nothing more than moving images, sounds, and dat-files to the right folders and copying some lines into data.txt.
If there are any faulty downloads or corrupt files, please let me know.
The copyrights on the downloads are taken very seriously on this site, but sometimes even we cannot determine who the author of a certain project is, no matter how hard we try. Sometimes, LF2-Fans take credit for the work of others, making it even more frustrating to find the true author.
If you have any information concerning the author of a download, please let us know!
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- Parent Category: LFE Fileplanet
- Hits: 165181
The Fileplanet contains LFE's collection of high-quality LF2 downloads. Here, you'll find characters, backgrounds, weapons, versions, and various other LF2-related, as well as the resources and tools to create your own LF2 modifications. The Fileplanet is still under construction, so be sure look for updates in the future...
Also be sure to visit the Releases section of the LFE-Forums to download user submitted creations or post your own! (English only)