You have installed everything correctly and there are still errors? Unfortunately, a lot of downloads have errors - sometimes files are missing or sometimes they're in the wrong place. Below are a few of the errors you may encounter and how to solve them.

1) Error Message: "Couldn't Create Art Surface"
This surely is a common error message - it means that a certain picture couldn't be found. Before you close LF2.exe, open the text file "temporary.txt" in the data-folder. The dat.-file being read when the error occured will be shown. In the first few lines, you can see the noted pictures and where they should be (starting from the folder with the EXE-File). Check if they're really in the right location - if not, move the images to the right folder.

If the picture is in the right place but you are still encountering this error, then there is something wrong with the bmp file. Open the picture in mspaint, select the entire canvas (ctrl+a) and copy it (ctrl+c). Then create a brand new mspaint document and paste the image. Save the file and try using this new bmp file instead of the old one. Be sure to keep the original as a back up!

2) Interruption of the Loading Process
If the loading is interrupted without a specific error message and nothing is shown in temporary.txt it is probably because a dat.-file is in the wrong place. Make sure all dat.-files you added in the data.txt are in the corresponding place




3) Error Message: "Could not open Wave File"
When this error message occurs, the corresponding dat.-file is also shown in temporary.txt. If the sound is just in the wrong place, it's easy to solve the problem. Unfortunately, sometimes the creators forget to send the sound files. If this is the case, you have two options: You can copy an existing sound and rename it to the one which is missing or you can open the dat.-file with the Data Changer and delete all lines which request the missing sound.

4) Menu-Crash
You've already added several files to the game and if you select a character from the menu the game crashes or stops reacting to the button inputs? Then you have probably surpassed the 100 object-limit.  In the <object_part> of data.txt, you can note a maximum of 100 dat.-files. If you have more, you will encounter errors. There's no way to fix this other than removing some of the files from the game (for example weapons).

You have experienced other possible errors with downloads and know how to solve them? Then contact me and I'll submit your solutions here!

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