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Naruto LF2 Mod Team
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Lead by Fire And Ice, and later by Freeze(512), this mod is the most completed Naruto mod for LF2. Given the popularity of the TV and manga series, the demand of the mod can probably rival CL's R-LF2. It features Naruto, Sasuke, Iruka, Mizuki, Kakeshi, Chunnin, Shinobi, Garaa, Sakura, Haku, Demon Brothers, Rock Lee, Konohamaru, Zabuza and Ebisu. There are also a couple of downsides for this mod, mainly because it lacks sound effects, the data changers doesn't seem to have much of an idea what to do other than copying while the sprites still needs some improvement. However, if you are a die-hard Naruto fan, the utility gained would probably overcome the few imperfections.
Naruto Little Fighter v2.0

by Naruto LF2 mod. Team

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