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A small tutorial on recolouring graphics with PhotoFiltre.
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You need PhotoFiltre for this tutorial (you can download it from program site). Well, so let’s start.

1. Open PhotoFiltre and open a bitmap. Then, press this button:
2. Good. Now, take the magic wand tool and mark the stuff you want to change (here we’ll change the hair from Dennis to Blue). Here’s our Dennis, his hair is marked with the magic wand tool:

3. Now, press this button: (hue variation).
Choose 187 degrees (cause we want it blue here ^^, sure you can also take other values), then press Ok. Now his hair is kind of dyed blue:
Isn’t it still quite bad?

4. Well, press this button: some times to get his hair brighter. (We press it 5 times here). Now he looks like this:

We already removed the wand marking (right click, then hide selection). Well, you see the gray spot? Repeat the steps with the little gray shading in his hair. After that he looks like this:

YAY!!! ^^
You can do this with everything (clothes, whatever...). By the way, under the tools you can see something called "tolerance", if you want the magic wand to mark it more broadly (including more colors), set it higher (Like on 50).
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