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is that his iceshield, or does he rebound balls when he is frozen?
also add more ice details in the dead animation, it looks kinda crappy :P (no offense)

jup, meant the last one.
(11-11-2009, 02:41 PM)Bamboori Wrote: [ -> ]is that his iceshield, or does he rebound balls when he is frozen?
also add more ice details in the dead animation, it looks kinda crappy :P (no offense)
well thats the ice shield so a simple ball like that should rebound. but several balls together...
and "dead animation" didn't understand you right. did u meant this last one?! and off course no offense at all i am happy that you pointed that out.
(11-11-2009, 10:55 AM)prince_freeza Wrote: [ -> ]ok i am back working on frozen "somehow" alectric is helping me with the data now.
i fixed the ubber punch a bit...
[Image: 86038806.gif][Image: 20400260.png]
I'd like to advise you to add more frames.. :) But it's looking pretty good ;)

(11-11-2009, 10:55 AM)prince_freeza Wrote: [ -> ]and alectric gave me this idea for a move...
its like frozen hit the ground with his foot and a circle of ice cols take shape around him.
i made the sprites for it:
[Image: 81884004.gif]

Well, I don't know what exactly to change.. But I'm seeing some things:
- The shading of his pants is not right
- I think it will look better if he lifts his arms a bit while doing this move.
- The right arm shouldn't move the same way his leg does.
- His face expression may need a little fixing..

(11-11-2009, 10:55 AM)prince_freeza Wrote: [ -> ]as for this post:
(08-29-2009, 02:15 PM)Elias Wrote: [ -> ]Well my idea is that he turns into ice sculpture and then shatters and his shatter parts turn into sharp icicles and they all fly towards the enemy.
i kinda dug that idea so i made this:
[Image: 44194964.png]
now i will try to make those sharp icicles if i can.
more will come later.

About this sprite..

I wouldn't make Frozen look like he's hurt. I'd rather see him create the ice sculpture around him with a grin or just a serious face, and in a powerful stance. These are attack sprites, not hurting sprites ;)

Hope this helps.
I agree with neocrypt.
a suggestion for a hellmove:
a big ice blast covers the ground.
it`s just that I can not wait for this char to release!!
(11-11-2009, 10:10 PM)Neocrypt Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to advise you to add more frames.. :) But it's looking pretty good ;)
I'd rather see him create the ice sculpture around him with a grin or just a serious face, and in a powerful stance.
Hope this helps.
well for the ubber punch there are actually 3 more frames i just posted those 3 cuz i edited the aura around the hand...but nice of u to notice that..

and i really agree with that serious face thing i thing i am gonna try do it.
thnks for the comments every one.
(08-24-2009, 06:12 PM)Siegvar Wrote: [ -> ]I'm challenging you to the task of creating a quality Frozen that will be deemed the official Frozen, with Marshall as a judge and within some reasonable parameters of time to be discussed and decided. All for the sake of my personal sense of nostalgia. A selfish request, to be sure, but a request nonetheless. You are free to deny it. And if you do, and I still have the motivation to work on a Frozen, it will simply be an unofficial battle of Frozens. lol.]

(08-25-2009, 02:46 AM)Apocalipsis Wrote: [ -> ]Basically we have this:
[Image: frozeni.png]
Yinyin's WIP Frozen at the left.
Your Frozen in the middle.
The Frozen that some of us would like to see at the right.

(08-25-2009, 03:01 PM)Siegvar Wrote: [ -> ]@Prince_Freeza:
Definitely looking forward to an original character from you, especially if you can improve even furthur with the next character.

(08-25-2009, 06:59 AM)Siegvar Wrote: [ -> ]Prince_Freeza did a decent job with his version of Frozen, but it wasn't good enough for me

well long story short "i am remaking the sprites, and will now get lazy on them... not this time. [mine is on the left side]
as you can see i updated yin yin's old sprite:
[Image: compareqj.png]

so current progress is:
frozen_f (Click to View)
frozen_s (Click to View)
half done sheet_0 (Click to View)
done that half sheet in exactly 2 days. and i am still progressing
+ i have a finish date that i will confirm later...
comment and criticize please.

[Image: demos.gif]

i will post more when i get some decent progress.
you provoked the monster!!! :D
and i forgot something....BUMP.
awesome fighting sprites. silky smooth i like the haymaker at the end.

edit- something about frozen's frozen pic is funky, i think its his color, should be pretty blue
sheet_0 updated... i know not much but i didnt get enough time last night.
frozen_0 (Click to View)
Glad to see this coming foward. Love to see the progress in here. Pretty cool sprites, mate :)
Wow PF that looks awesome.
Nice job and hope you get all the time to make him perfect.
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