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"LF2 - Rythm of the Night" is definitly one of the best versions ever because of a legendary Stage Mode. In Stage Mode you play the story of the mainhero Felix who fights against evil. Dialogs are an important part in there which made it possible to tell a real story. Definitly a must for every LF2-Fan!
Little Fighter 2 - The Rythm of the Night v1.0


RN-LF2 Homepage:

RN-LF2 Stages Intro
  This is a world without dreams...
Welfare and peace, is a sumptuous fantasy...
Wars, autarchy and terrorism...
are destroying the hopeless souls of people...
However, light is still alive in the deepest darkness...
Some adventurer with powerful skills...
They travel...
They come to one place...
and bring dreams and hopes to the people...
They are called "Fighters". And you, are one of them..........
© Little Fighter Empire

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